
The european project “CLIP: Critical visual media Literacy and emPowerment”, that DAISSy Research Group of the HOU implements as the Greek partner, has been published on the “Erasmus+ Project Results” Platform

CLIP-logoThe project CLIP: Critical visual media Literacy and emPowerment”, co-funded by European funds and implemented with the participation of the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) as the Greek partner, aims to address the digital transformation in terms of developing digital and green readiness, resilience and capacity, of the Higher Education (HE) sector. 

Specifically, CLIP targets to strengthen critical visual media literacy and fluency of higher education students. Specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Raise awareness of the role played by HE in tracking disinformation and bias in visual communication
  • Increase the digital fluency and critical consciousness about visual media of European Union HE students
  • Enable HE academic staff, senior management and communication staff to develop sustainable strategies for integrating visual media literacy at all levels of institutional activities.

 Information about the CLIP project is now available online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. Specificaly, the project description has been published on the following address: Project Card. 

The online platform “EESCP: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform” is the single entry point to the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programmes for the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. It “enables applicants and beneficiaries to: Search for registered organisations participating in Erasmus+ or ESC decentralised actions, register their organisation for participation in Erasmus+ or ESC, decentralised actions, submit applications for grants and/or accreditation for decentralised actions, and manage ongoing projects.”

The CLIP is an eighteen-month (18) project co-funded by the ERASMUS+/KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education Programme of the European Union and it is coordinated by the UNIMED – UNIONE DELLE UNIVERSITA DEL MEDITERRANEO (Italy) with LIBERA UNIVERSITA DI LINGUE E COMUNICAZIONE (Italy), ALL DIGITAL (Belgium) and HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY (Greece) as partners.

 For more information on the CLIP project, and other projects and activities of DAISSy:


DAISSy-HOU hosted and actively participated in the 3rd Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the “NEFELE” EU Project in Athens (Greece)

logo-nefeleOn 16th and 17th February 2023, the Hellenic Open University (HOU) hosted the third Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the “NEFELE-NEET prevention in Educational systems through positive Future vision Enhancing Learning and teacher Education” EU project, that took place at its headquarters-antenna, in Athens (Greece) and also provided the possibility for online participation.

More precisely, the meeting was attended in presence by the representatives of the following project partners:  the Hellenic Open University-HOU (Greece), the University of Naples Federico II- UNINA (Italy), the University of Valencia-UVEG (Spain), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland-SUPSI (Switzerland) and Smarted-SM (Italy), while the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities-EADTU (Netherlands) participated online.

NEFELE project aims at modelling innovative methodologies for pre-service teachers of middle schools that can be useful to support adolescents’ career construction and a positive vision of the future. Specifically, NEFELE provides curricular frameworks, based on career development and positive psychology through tools (MOOC, digital game and OER Shared Platform) to orient teachers’ supportive behaviours.

On the first TPM day, the Partnership recorded the introduction to the modules of the NEFELE Massive Open Online Course-MOOC. The MOOC will consist of five (5) modules based on the NEFELE framework (for more information, please refer to: Then, additional recording of the Introduction of specific modules was completed per partner, accordingly: for Module 1 “World of work challenges and students’ career development” by UNINA, for Module 2 “Supporting students’ career development” by SUPSI, for Module 3 “Students’ well-being” by UVEG, and finally for Module 4 “Innovative teaching-learning practices” and Module 5 “The NEFELE Box” by SM.

Moreover, audio tracks were also recorded to be implemented in the NEFELE digital game, in order to used by middle school teachers for promoting the career exploration. The audios contain information about the resources and the competences needed by adolescents for the career decision-making process. The audios were recorded by the Partners in English (SM), Italian (UNINA), French (SUPSI), Spanish (UVEG) and Greek (HOU) and will be at the disposal of teachers, as a guide for curricular programs on career exploration in middle schools.

On the second TPM day, the meeting focused on the state of the art and pending issues of the two project deliverables to be developed within the upcoming months i.e. the NEFELE MOOC and the NEFELE BOX.

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU host of the 3rd TPM, is the leader of the design and development of the NEFELE MOOC. The Research Group was represented by Mrs Vasiliki Takouli, DAISSy’s Project Manager and Administrator as well as Mrs Vicky Maratou, DAISSy’s Project Manager and Senior researcher, who presented the first version of the MOOC platform and analysed the topics to be covered by the various units, namely: ¡current threats and challenges of labour market ¡ competences needed for career transitions ¡career development and the role of teachers in students’ career transition ¡ positive psychology and the use of technologies and tangible user interfaces in the educational context.

Accordingly, the Smarted-SM presented the gamification approach of the NEFELE BOX. It is noteworthy, that teachers will be involved in creating game scenarios within the NEFELE multiplier events to be held in the forthcoming months in Italy, Spain and Greece.

The 3rd TPM was completed by a session dedicated to the presentation of the Dissemination Plan by EADTU and the vivid exchange among the partners about the next steps of the project implementation.

NEFELE is a thirty-month (1st December 2021-31st May 2024) project, funded by Erasmus+ EU program, implemented by a consortium of six (6) partners from five (5) countries (Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Greece) with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner.

For more information on the NEFELE project and other activities of DAISSy:


BIBLIO closing phase: the DAISSy-HOU joins the project actions in Brussels

biblio-logoIt is true, that the 6th Transnational Partner’s Meeting (TPM) of the “BIBLIO-Exchanging ideas on transforming Libraries in the digital age” EU project, was very successful, marking its closing phase. It was a hybrid meeting organized on 28th and 29th March 2023, in Brussels by the ALL DIGITAL (AD) network, Belgian project partner, putting emphasis on the project deliverables, its results and the efforts related to the sustainability aspect.

The BIBLIO project addressed the skills gap in the library/archives sector due to the digital transformation that is changing the role of Libraries.

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU participated in the TPM and was represented by its Director, Prof. Achilles Kameas and DAISSy’s Project Manager, Ms Fotini Gatomati, who delivered detailed presentations about the completion of specific deliverables.  They also provided information about the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the BIBLIO Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and the e-learning platform, for which DAISSy served as the Leader partner on their design, implementation and maintenance. In addition, they participated actively in all the discussions and announced the organization of the hybrid multiplier event targeting the dissemination of the BIBLIO results and its sustainability, which will be held by DAISSy-HOU, in April 2023, in Patras (Greece).

The meeting was hosted by the ALL DIGITAL (AD) network, Belgian partner, and all ten (10) partners from five (5) EU member-states (Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, Belgium, Greece), were represented. They used the opportunity to exchange in the most constructive way and to discuss in detail the pending project deliverables and the completion process, emphasizing on the next steps about capitalizing the valuable project results and their sustainability.

The last TPM was linked perfectly with the BIBLIO policy event, that benefited the networking with the European Parliament (EP) – it took place on the 28th March2023 in the morning, and it was hosted by the Luxembourg MEP, Mr. Marc Angel, at his EP office in Brussels, providing the possibility of online participation (via the zoom platform).

The policy event triggered the interest of the EP members, in both the results of the BIBLIO project and the policy recommendations regarding the new roles of the library community in the digital era. The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), joined the event and was represented by Leonidas Papachristopoulos, Librarian at the Distance Library and Information Centre of the HOU (DLIC-HOU), Researcher of DAISSy, who addressed the positive experiences of the Library professionals, who joined  the BIBLIO modular educational program in Greece, as well as its valuable impact on their professional development.

Stay tuned with the upcoming hybrid multiplier event of the BIBLIO project, to be organized by the DAISSy-HOU, in April 2023, in Patras (Greece).



Find out more about the BIBLIO project and other activities of DAISSy-HOU:


The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU launched its activities on the GREELCO project for the professional development of kindergarten professionals through green education.

The “GREELCO: Green Learning Community” is a European co-funded project that addresses the professional development of kindergarten professionals through green education. 

Specifically, GREELCO aims at:

  • improving the digital competencies of kindergarten professionals
  • ensuring the professional development of early childhood and administration professionals through green education, taking into account equity and equal opportunities
  • raising the awareness aboutthe different educational systems and pedagogical practices in kindergartens from different countries
  • reflecting on the pedagogical practices and the competencies of these professionals to ensure the quality of education, with an emphasis on inclusion
  • raising the awareness amongboth professionals and administrators about the importance of digital competencies and green education opportunities. 

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) is the Greek project partner of GREELCO and will be actively involved in its activities and deliverables. 

Specifically, DAISSy will be one of the partners responsible for the preparation and the implementation of a Training activity on digital and green skills, to be followed by a respective Webinar, while providing constant technical support to the childcare centers regarding the preparation and the design of their Study Visits videos. 

In addition, making use of its long-term experience, DAISSy will be responsible for the technical design, development and piloting of the GREELCO educational platform. 

It is noteworthy, that DAISSy will also contribute to the dissemination of the project. In particular, it will support the branding process as well as the organization and implementation of an international online event, and will consistently promote all GREELCO news and updates through its website and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn). 

Furthermore, given its role within the HOU, DAISSy will ensure the promotion of GREELCO through the University’s website, which has over one million hits, as well as through the Institution’s newspaper “OPEN2U”, which is printed and sent out in 300 copies and simultaneously forwarded by email to over 120,000 recipients. In addition, DAISSy plans to exploit its wide networking and reach out to corresponding stakeholders in Greece, in order to achieve multiple dissemination and sustainability of the project’s results and impact. 

The GREELCO is a two-year, ERASMUS+/KA220-HED co-funded, project. Its  consortium includes three (3) main partners, namely the: Educational Research Institute (ERI) (Slovenia), International Step by Step Association (ISSA) (Netherlands) and the Hellenic Open University (Greece), as well as eight (8) Kindergartens, namely the: Elmer (Belgium), Kindergarten Šestajovice (Czech Republic), Tartu Lasteaed Pääsupesa (Estonia), Pitypangos Közösségért Alapítvány (Hungary), JUODG Femo Kulakov (Republic of North Macedonia), Granidita CU Program Prelungitnr.22 Botosani (Romania), Vrtec Bled (Slovenia),  Predskolska Ustanova “Cukarica” (Serbia).

For more information on the GREELCO, and other projects and activities of DAISSy:


The international conference of the OLMEdu project, organized by DAISSy-HOU, attracted high interest!


The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU ) organized with success the hybrid International Conference on the European project “Open Lab for the up-skilling of higher education staff in online Management Education-OLMEdu“, which took place on 21st February 2023, at the headquarters of HOU in Patras, Greece (10.00’- 16.00’).

The main objective of the international conference was to present both the digital skills regarding the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) field, which should be obtained by the higher education staff (HES) in order to support the e-learning process in an integrated way, as well as the digital tools that will help this staff in their teaching work.

The launching speech was delivered by Mr Achilles Kameas, Dean of the HOU School of Science and Technology, and Professor of the HOU, Director of the DAISSy research group and Scientific Coordinator of the OLMEdu project. The first part of the conference, started with a presentation on managing education during the period of Covid -19. More specifically, Professor Manolis Koutouzis, Dean of the School of Humanities, Head of the Postgraduate Program in Adult Education of HOU, presented how an Open University applied distance education taking into account the new conditions. The second speaker, Associate Professor Mrs Nikleia Eteokleous, Head of the Distance Education Committee at Frederick University of Cyprus, referred to the way that an educational institution coped with the transition to online courses and the digital tools it used, in order to develop the appropriate educational material.


Then, the second part of the conference started by Mr Achilles Kameas, who presented the results of the OLMEdu project and within the same concept, it evolved by the partners, who analyzed the OLMEdu products and deliverables, accordingly. Furthermore, Mrs Fotini Gatomiti, DAISSy’S Project Manager, local Project Coordinator of OLMEdu, presented the OLMEdu Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which will be used by the higher education staff with regard to the Management Education topic, so that they will develop the digital skills needed for the provision of distance education. The conference content and learning objectives were presented by Dr Cute Tsiordas, University of Patras (Greece), and the analysis of the educational content was delivered by Dr Ouranios Anastasiou, Grandexperts Consulting Limited (Cyprus).

Particular attention was paid to the technical results of the OLMEdu project. More precisely, Dr Achilles Achilleos, Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics at Frederik University (Cyprus), presented a series of tools for developing web simulations in Management Education, beginning with the theoretical context and continuing with the practical framework through an interactive activity that attracted the interest of the audience. Then, Mrs Fotini Gatomati and Mr Gerasimos Vonitsanos, Researchers of DAISSy-HOU, delivered presentations about the online repository and the results of its evaluation.

The international OLMEdu conference was attended by sixty-five (65) participants on-site and five (5) participants remotely (through the Zoom electronic platform), being students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the sectors of education, digital education and vocational training, as well as training providers and decision-makers in the field of education.

Undoubtedly, the conference succeeded in operating as an open platform of discussion about the most recent innovations, trends and concerns, practical challenges and digital solutions adopted in Management Education. It was held in English and it was open to the general public, with no participation fees and provided the possibility of obtaining a Certificate of Attendance.

The OLMEdu is a two-year project, co-funded by the European Union, under the Erasmus+ Programme, Strategic Partnerships in the field of school education, Action KA2. It is coordinated by the Frederick University Cyprus and the partnership includes the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU and the University of Patras (Greece), the University of Tor Vergata in Rome (Italy) and the GrantXpert Consulting Limited (Cyprus).

For more information on the OLMEdu project, and other activities of DAISSy-HOU:

tega-event-2023 (1)

Leveraging tabletop games in education – Multiplier event and workshop of the TEGA project by DAISSY-HOU

On Friday 3rd March 2023, the multiplier event of the European project TEGA – Training the Educators to facilitate the teaching and assessment of abstract syllabus by the use of serious GAmes, took place in Patras (Greece). The event included individual presentations regarding the outputs of the project so far, as well as a hands-on workshop on the application of the LEGO® Serious PlayTM methodology in education.

The event was organised by the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the TEGA project partner in Greece. The event attracted the interest of more than forty (40) teachers of secondary and primary education sectors, who participated actively.

The Director of DAISSy and HOU Professor, Mr. Achilles Kameas, delivered the opening speech by welcoming the participants and presenting the activities of the Research Group, putting emphasis on its vision and mission.

During the first part of the event, the TEGA project was presented by Mrs. Vicky Maratou, DAISSy’s Project Manager, TEGA local Project Coordinator, who analysed its objectives and expected outcomes. A presentation of the TEGA toolkit for the implementation of game-based learning in education followed by Mr. Rizos Chaliampalias, DAISSy Researcher, who held a key role in the research carried out during the implementation of the project.

The invited speaker, Ms. Chara Kokkinou, Logopedist, presented the use of board games in mixed ability classrooms, while Ms. Natalia Spyropoulou, DAISSy Researcher, presented the “SPICE – Special Education STEAM Academy” EU project which aims to strengthen the skills of Primary Education teachers in the implementation of STE(A)M education, targeting the inclusion of students with mild disabilities.

The second part of the event started with a brief presentation of the LEGO Serious PlayTM methodology by Mrs. Maratou and it was followed by a hands-on workshop with the participation of all teachers. The event concluded with a reflection on the activity and a fruitful discussion.

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU wishes to thank Mr. Spyros Papadakis, Organizational Coordinator of the Regional Center for Educational Design (PEKES) of Western Greece, for the support of the Center and its contribution to the success of the event.

It is noteworthy that in the context of the TEGA project, the Methodological Guide/Toolkit for the design and implementation of game-based learning in education, as well as the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for the training of Higher Education teachers in these practices, were developed. The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU has developed the TEGA online Community of Practice platform, which will facilitate the formation of a pan-European network of people who develop games and implement game-based learning practices in education.

The TEGA is a thirty-month project, co-funded by the European Union, under the Erasmus+ Programme, Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education, Key Action 2. It is implemented by a consortium of four (4) Universities from four (4) countries (UK, Lithuania, Portugal, Greece) with the DAISSy Research Group being the Greek partner.

For more information on the TEGA project, and other activities of DAISSy:




The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University identifies the positive BIBLIO impact on the training opportunities context for Librarians in Greece!

biblio-logoThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the Greek project partner, has been monitoring the impact of the Librarian education and training opportunities context in Greece and the findings are precious!


  • Many librarians were involved in the BIBLIO activities in Greece and already sought a new second phase!
  • Although the project has slightly affected how librarians are trained in Greek public Universities, it has strongly influenced their will to develop themselves.
  • BIBLIO showcased a new context of forming a constant relationship between formal and non-formal librarianship in the digital era!

During the implementation of the “BIBLIO: Boosting digital skills ad competencies for librarians in EuropeEU project, the formation of the qualifications regarding the profession of the Librarian in the Greek public sector, was completed. This is addressed through a uniform regulation of the merit list and classification of Public Sector bodies in Greece – the respective legal arrangements shielded the librarian profession and limited any up-to-date problems it has faced regarding the qualifications required for job placements in Libraries through open public job contests.

All librarians involved in the BIBLIO activities in Greece have recognized that the project offered them new opportunities and that this is the best way to achieve sustainable results.

It is envisaged that these opinions will be expressed by the Greek BIBLIO participants in the modular training activities, who will be involved in the upcoming transnational BIBLIO policy event to be organized online on 28th March 2023.

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU is the Greek partner of the BIBLIO project (ERASMUS+ / 612411-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA) and implements it, in cooperation with the Distance Library and Documentation Centre (DLIC) of the HOU, associate partner.

Stay tuned and remember to visit the site of the BIBLIO project and check the “Stories” of the BIBLIO partners!

For more information about the BIBLIO project as well as other activities of the DAISSy-HOU:


The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU launched its activities on CLIP european project on visual Media Literacy and tackling visual disinformation

CLIP-logoThe CLIP: Critical visual media Literacy and emPowerment is a newly approved European co-funded project that addresses the digital transformation through the development of digital and green readiness, resilience and capacity, of the Higher Education (HE) sector.

Thus, CLIP project aims to strengthen the digital capabilities of the HE sector by boosting their resilience to information overload, manipulation and polarization, mitigating the risks of bias in visual representations by providing young people (within and outside Universities) with the capacity to critically understand media and images, and the way those are used in education, news and online narratives. Specifically:

CLIP has already kicked off its activities on collecting good practices on Visual Media Literacy and tracking visual misinformation in Europe.

The identified good practices and the consultation of experts and practitioners via interviews following a semi-structured grid, will lead to the conduction of a Report on Visual Media Literacy in European HE and the recommendations on the structure, content and tools to be used in the training course that will follow. More precisely, the CLIP Micro Learning course on critical Visual Media Literacy and Fluency will consist of 40 hours training, targeting HEIs students of Journalism and Communication, also available to anyone interested in taking part. It will provide the participants with the necessary understanding about the importance of images in present societies and with particular skills to detect image bias as well as stereotypes in visual artifacts.

At least a hundred and fifty (150) trainees from three (3) CLIP countries, including Greece, will be involved in the process and will be equipped with an advanced understanding of how cultural biases and stereotypes are embedded in the apparent and alleged neutrality of images. A related catalogue of operational tools, summarizing the findings from the training modules, will be shared and further promoted.

The outer goal is to incorporate the learning strategies for visual media literacy into the training process of the HE sector in other learning environments (ranging from secondary schools to informal and non-formal digital skills learning), in order to encourage critical thinking and contribute to inclusive and non-biased societies.

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) is the Greek project partner of CLIP and will be actively involved in all its activities and deliverables. Furthermore, DAISSy, with its long experience, will be responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the e-learning platform and will coordinate the drafting of the course content, to which all partners will contribute. In addition, it will be one of the partners responsible for the piloting of the course in its Institution and the respective assessment and evaluation process.

Lastly, DAISSy will contribute thoroughly in the development of a set of Guidelines, Recommendations and tools to support academic staff in the implementation of learning strategies for visual media literacy. This will be achieved by a Toolkit in English, Italian and Greek that will provide operational guidelines on how to integrate visual media literacy in the learning offer of HEIs which will get available to anyone interested.

The CLIP is an eighteen-month  project co-funded by the ERASMUS+/KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education Program of the European Union and it is coordinated by the UNIMED – UNIONE DELLE UNIVERSITA DEL MEDITERRANEO (Italy) with LIBERA UNIVERSITA DI LINGUE E COMUNICAZIONE (Italy), ALL DIGITAL (Belgium) and HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY (Greece) as partners. The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU plans to exploit its wide networking and embrace respective stakeholders aiming at the multiple diffusion and sustainability of the project results and impact.

For more information on the CLIP project, and other activities of DAISSy:


LEAD-Online Talks #Ηate: Mίσος και Τοξικότητα στο Διαδίκτυο: Μάθε και ενήργησε

lead-online-logoΗ Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου (ΕΑΠ) σε συνεργασία με το 2ο και το 8ο ΓΕΛ Ιωαννίνων και την ΑΡΣΙΣ-Κοινωνική Οργάνωση Υποστήριξης Νέων, σας προσκαλούν στην εκδήλωση με τίτλο: 

#Hate: Mίσος και Τοξικότητα στο Διαδίκτυο: Μάθε και ενήργησε

Δευτέρα 13 Μαρτίου 2023, στις 18.30’

Πολιτιστικός Πολυχώρος «Δ. Χατζής» (Παλαιά Σφαγεία), Ιωάννινα

Η δράση εντάσσεται στο πλαίσιο της υλοποίησης του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου LEADOnline: Learn, Engage, Act: Digital Tools to Prevent and Counter Hate Speech Online, με την DAISSy-ΕΑΠ ως εταίρο στην Ελλάδα, Στοχεύει να πραγματευτεί την ιστορικότητα της ρητορικής μίσους ως κοινωνικό φαινόμενο, τις θεσμικές διαδικασίες αναφοράς και τους τρόπους αντιμετώπισής της στη διαδικτυακή εκδοχή της. Παράλληλα, θα παρουσιαστούν τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας πεδίου που πραγματοποιήθηκε σε σχολεία της πόλης των Ιωαννίνων και η συμβολή του έργου LEAD-Online σε αυτά. Τέλος, θα πραγματοποιηθεί διάλογος με εκπροσώπους της εκπαιδευτικής κοινότητας που συμμετέχουν στην υλοποίηση του έργου, με έμφαση στην ανάδειξη των εμπειριών τους από το πεδίο.

Η εκδήλωση αποτελεί την πρώτη από τη σειρά εκδηλώσεων LEAD-Online Talks, που έχουν ως στόχο να ευαισθητοποιήσουν και να εκπαιδεύσουν τα νέα άτομα, και όχι μόνο, σχετικά με το φαινόμενο της ρητορικής μίσους στο διαδίκτυο.

  • Η συμμετοχή στην εκδήλωση είναι δωρεάν, είναι ανοικτή για το ευρύ κοινό και δεν απαιτείται προ-εγγραφή
  • Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για το περιεχόμενο, μπορείτε να δείτε στο πρόγραμμα των εργασιών.

Το έργο “LEAD-Online” έχει διετή διάρκεια, συγχρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme) και στοχεύει στην ενδυνάμωση νέων, εκπαιδευτικών, μέσων ενημέρωσης και ακτιβιστριών/ ακτιβιστών των μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, προκειμένου να καταστούν φορείς αλλαγής σχετικά με τη ρητορική μίσους στο διαδίκτυο. Υλοποιείται από κοινοπραξία επτά (7) εταίρων σε επτά (7) χώρες της Ε.Ε. Η DAISSy-ΕΑΠ, Έλληνας εταίρος, συμμετέχει σε όλα τα παραδοτέα του έργου “LEAD-Online”,  και με ευθύνη για την ανάπτυξη ενός εργαλείου αυτοαξιολόγησης σχετικά με τη ρητορική μίσους στο διαδίκτυο και του Hate Out! Game, παιχνιδιού με στόχο την εκπαίδευση των χρηστών στην αναγνώριση, την αναφορά και την αντιμετώπιση περιστατικών ρητορικής μίσους στο διαδίκτυο.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το έργο «LEAD-Online» καθώς κι άλλες δράσεις της Ερευνητικής Ομάδας DAISSy:

CRISIS Project logo

The CRISIS MOOC for Smart City Resilience Officers starts with the support of the DAISSy-HOU Participation is free and registrations are open!

CRISIS Project logoThe DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) announces the launch of the CRISIS Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on 20th March 2023!

This MOOC was developed in the framework of the European project “CRISIS-Competences for Resilient Smart Cities’ Staff“, which proposes a holistic approach to the professional development of the workforce of resilient and smart cities through the development of a new job profile for these officers and the certification the first group of smart city resilience officers.

The CRISIS MOOC includes twenty (20) learning modules targeting acquisition of essential knowledge and skills in the digital transformation of cities, planning, monitoring and managing resilience of smart cities, and among other issues, establishing and financial support mechanisms for resilient smart cities. Emphasis is put on the networking of the trainees with peers from Europe and beyond.

The CRISIS MOOC starts on 20th March 2023 and is offered in four languages (EN, EL, DE and PT).

The trainees that successfully complete the CRISIS MOOC will receive a Certification of completion in accordance with the European and national qualification frameworks and the European credit system for vocational education.

The CRISIS project has a duration of 24 months, is funded by the European framework ERASMUS+ and is implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from four (4) European Union member-states (Greece, Cyprus, Germany and Portugal), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, as a partner from Greece.

For more information on the «CRISIS» project, and other activities of DAISSy: