
Press Release of LEAD-Online project.

lead-project-prThe DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (http://daissy.eap.gr/en/) participates in the activities of the new project entitled “LEAD-Online: Learn, Engage, Act: Digital Tools to Prevent and Counter Hate Speech Online”, which is co-funded by the CERV Programme (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme).

The LEAD-Online project (with a duration of 24 months) aims to enhance critical thinking and digital & media literacy skills in young people, as causally linked to the low levels of reporting and the “normalization” of hate speech online (HSO). The project will empower youth, teachers, media and social media activists in 7 countries (AT, BG, CY, HR, IT, EL, RO) to become agents of change by

  • training them to recognize hateful discourses and underlying forms of intolerance, prejudices and discrimination, using a rights-based approach;
  • providing them with innovative digital tools to classify, decode and counter HSO, and
  • opening up spaces for discussion of HSO, promoting attitudes and behaviour that respect human rights and values.

On April 7th and 8th 2022, the kick-off meeting of the LEAD-Online project was delivered with physical presence of the partners in Sofia Bulgaria, hosted by SDA team from Bulgaria, Coordinator of the project.  The first project meeting was dedicated to an overview on the LEAD-Online project, the proposal submitted and previous agreements among partners. The project meeting was dedicated to networking, project management, administrative, financial aspects, quality evaluation, and reporting obligations of all partners. It was a great help for the partners in order to properly understand the Project management and coordination, Self-Assessment And Development of Hate Speech Ontologies, the “Digital Gardening” To Tackle Hate Speech Online, the Play Against Hate: Online Game To Detect and Counter Hate Speech Online and the general Dissemination and Communication of the project. In addition, the meeting clearly defined the work plan and tasks to be implemented by each partner.

At the end of the project, target groups and stakeholders in education, civic sector, media sector in partner countries will benefit from new multiple open-access learning resources and sustainable, scalable, interactive digital instruments for countering HSO. Policy-makers in partner countries will be provided with recommendations to support formal educational activities for media literacy.

For more information about the project and the other activities of DAISSy research group:

  • Website: http://daissy.eap.gr
  • Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
  • Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
  • Twitter: @daissy_research
  • Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
  • Email: info@daissy.eap.gr

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