
151 entries « 2 of 4 »


Spyropoulou, Natalia; Pierrakeas, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Creating MOOC Guidelines based on best practices (Proceeding)

Barcelona, Spain, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: best practices, distance education, MOOCs, open learning)

Aggelopoulou, Niki; Pierrakeas, Christos; Artikis, Alexander; Kalles, Dimitris

Ontological Modelling for Intelligent e-Learning (Proceeding)

Athens, Greece, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: artificial intelligence {–} applications, distance education, Lifelong learnig, ontologies)

Fragou, Olga; Kameas, Achilles

Promoting Professional Development in Open and Distance Learning Settings: Developing Communities of Instructional Practice (Proceeding)

Kopenhagen, Denmark, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: communities of practice, Instructional Design, Open and Distance Learning, Professional Development)


Fragou, Olga; Kameas, Achilles

Design 4 Pedagogy (D4P): Designing a Pedagogical Tool for Open and Distance Learning Activities (Proceeding)

Sophia Antipolis, France, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: e learning planning, learning activities, pedagogical planner, Rapid Prototyping)

Fragou, Olga; Kameas, Achilles

Developing a User Oriented Design Methodology for Learning Activities Using Boundary Objects (Proceeding)

Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Boundary Objects, communities of practice, Design Research, empirical research, Learning Design, participatory design)

Stefani, Antonia; Kameas, Achilles

Educational Content in Open and Distance Learning Environments: an insight into the use of standards and guidelines for evaluation (Proceeding)

Thessaloniki, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Assessment, certification guidelines, Digital Educational content, Lifecycle Model, Open and Distance Learning, Quality Assurance)

Gerogiannis, Vassilis; Fitsilis, Panos; Kameas, Achilles

Evaluation of project and portfolio Management Information Systems with the use of a hybrid IFS-TOPSIS method (Journal Article)

Intelligent Decision Technologies 7 (2013) (Journal), 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: group decision making, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, multi-criteria decision making, Project and portfolio management information systems, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution)

Panagiotakopoulos, Theodor; Theodosiou, Aspasia; Kameas, Achilles

Exploring Ambient Assisted Living Job Profiles (Proceeding)

Rhodes, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Ambient Assisted Living, professions, qualification profiles)

Fragou, Olga; Hatzilygeroudis, Ioannis; Kalles, Dimitris; Likothanassis, Spiros

Implementing Participatory Design for Developing a Constructivist E-Learning Activity (Proceeding)

Chania, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: communities of practice, constructivism, empirical research, learning sequence, participatory design)

Kaloudi, Ioanna; Kameas, Achilles

Semantically rich description of e-CF based job profiles (Proceeding)

Rome, Italy, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: e-CF, EQF, Job profiles, ontologies)


Nikolopoulos, Georgios; Kalou, Aikaterini; Pierrakeas, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Creating a Learning Object metadata profile for Distance Learning: An ontological approach (Proceeding)

Springer Berlin Heidelberg, C'adiz, Spain, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )

Spanaka, Adamantia; Pierrakeas, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Experience from designing and applying collaborative learning services in distance adult education. (Proceeding)

Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: )

Nikolopoulos, Georgios; Solomou, Georgia; Pierrakeas, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Modeling the Characteristics of a Learning Object for Use within e-Learning Applications (Proceeding)

ACM New York, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Distance Learning, E-learning, Educational Metadata, learning objects)

Kouneli, Aggeliki; Solomou, Georgia; Pierrakeas, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Modeling the Knowledge Domain of the Java Programming Language as an Ontology (Proceeding)

Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Sinaia, Romania, 2012.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: distance education, java, learning outcomes, ontologies, programming languages)


Heinroth, Τobias; Kameas, Achilles; Pruvost, Getan; Seremeti, Lambrini; Bellik, Yacine; Minker, Wolfgang

Human-Computer Interaction in Next Generation Ambient Intelligent Environments (Journal Article)

Intelligent Decision Technologies - Special issue on knowledge-based environments and services in human-computer interaction, 5 , pp. 31-46, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence)

Mavrofides, Thomas; Kameas, Achilles; Papageorgiou, Dimitris; Los, Antonios

On the Entropy of Social Systems: A Revision of the Concepts of Entropy and Energy in the Social Context (Journal Article)

Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2011, ISSN: 1099-1743.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autopoiesis, energy, entropy, social systems)

Kameas, Achilles; Seremeti, Lambrini

Ontology-based Knowledge Management in NGAIEs (Book Chapter)

T. Heinroth, Minker (Ed.): Next Generation Intelligent Environments, pp. 85-126, Springer, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: ontologies)

Polymeropoulou, Konstantina; Kameas, Achilles

ProInterNet: Skills for Internet-Related Jobs (Proceeding)


(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: )


Goumopoulos, Christos; Kalemis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Deployment of adaptive workflows in intelligent environments (Proceeding)

6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE10), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: adaption, BPEL, dynamic compositions, SOA, Ubiquitous computing, workflows)

Rodosthenous,; Kameas, Achilles; Pintelas,

Diplek: An open LMS that supports fast composition of educational services (Book Chapter)

Magoulas, (Ed.): E-Infrastructures and Technologies for Lifelong Learning: Next Generation Environments, pp. 59-89, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), 2010, ISSN: ISBN13 ISBN10.

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Education, LMS)

Togias, Konstantinos; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-based representation of UPnP devices and services for dynamic context-aware ubiquitous computing applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (track Models and Ontology-based Design of Protocols, Architectures and Services), IEEE Computer Society Press, Athens, Greece, June 13-19, 2010.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ontologies, Ontology)

Panagiotopoulos, Ioannis; Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles; Zorkadis, Vasilios

PROACT: An ontology-based model of privacy policies in Ambient Intelligence Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 14th Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2010), Tripoli, Greece, September 10-12, 2010.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: activity sphere, ambient intelligence, Ontology, policy, privacy, Protege)


Giannopoulos, Nikos; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Design guidelines for building a wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 13th Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, Corfu, Greece), September 10-12, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Sensor Networks)

Bellik, Yacine; Kameas, Achilles; Goumopoulos, Christos; Hagras, Hani; Heinroth, Tobias; Pruvost, Gaetan; Meliones, Apostolos; Economou, Dimitris; Minker, Wolfgang; Gardner, Mark

Multidimensional Pervasive Adaptation into Ambient Intelligent Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom), Chengdu, China, December 12-14, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ambient Assisted Living, ambient intelligence, ontologies, Ontology, Ubiquitous computing)

Poli, Robert; Kameas, Achilles; Seremeti, Lambrini

Ontology and Multimedia (Book Chapter)

Pagani, (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, vol. 3 , pp. 1093-1099, Hershey, New York, Second Edition, 2009.

(BibTeX | Tags: Ontology)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-based modeling of dynamic ubiquitous computing applications as evolving activity spheres” (Journal Article)

Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 5(5), Elsevier Science , pp. 574-591, 2009.

(BibTeX | Tags: ontologies, Ubiquitous computing)

Kameas, Achilles; Kalemis, Ioannis

Pervasive Systems in Health Care (Book Chapter)

Η. Nakashima A. Hamid, Augusto (Ed.): Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, pp. 315-346, Springer, 2009.

(BibTeX | Tags: Ambient Assisted Living, ambient intelligence)

Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Smart objects as components of ubiquitous computing applications (Journal Article)

International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, special issue on Smart Object Systems, 4(3), SERSC Press , pp. 1-20, 2009.

(BibTeX | Tags: Ubiquitous computing)


Kameas, Achilles

Deploying ubiquitous computing applications on heterogeneous next generation networks (Book Chapter)

S. Kotsopoulos, Ioannou (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Heterogeneous Next Generation Networking: Innovations and Platforms, pp. 490-509, IGI Global, 2008.

(BibTeX | Tags: Ubiquitous computing)

Rodosthenous, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Pintelas, Panagiotis

Diplek: an open educational Platform that supports the composition of learning, management and communication services (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE2008) & (EIAE 08), Springer, December 5-13, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: E-learning, E-learning Systems, Education)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Engineering Emergent Ecologies of Interacting Artefacts (Book Chapter)

Lumsden, (Ed.): Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, pp. 364-384, IGI Global, 2008.

(BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Modeling spiking neural networks (Journal Article)

Theoretical Computer Science, 395(1), Elsevier , pp. 57-76, 2008.

(BibTeX | Tags: spiked neural networks)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-Based High Level Task Composition in Ubiquitous Computing Applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 4th IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE08), IET Press, Seattle, USA, July 21-22, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ontologies, Ubiquitous computing)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-based representation of activity spheres in ubiquitous computing spaces (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE2008) & (SCSS 08), Springer, December 5-13, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, ontologies, Ubiquitous computing)


Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

Crisis rooms are Ambient Intelligence Territories (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCI07), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4551, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ambient Assisted Living, ambient intelligence)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Social Intelligence as the Means for achieving Emergent Interactive Behaviour in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCI07), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4551, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: social intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)


Panagiotakopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Creation of a teaching timetable using random variables – The STB application (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE 2006), University of Bridgeport, USA, December 4 - 14, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: random variables)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Emergent Phenomena in AmI Spaces (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 1st International EASST-EU conference, workshop on Future Research Challenges for Software and Services, associated to The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS’06), Vienna, Austria, April 1, 2006, (Also in the EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology) Newsletter, Volume 12 (March 2006) ).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence)

Stamatis, Panagiotis; Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Exploiting Ambient Information into Reactive Agent Architectures (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE06), IET Press, Athens, Greece, July 5-6, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: agents, ambient intelligence, intelligent agents)

Fitsilis, Panos; Gerogiannis, Vasilis; Kameas, Achilles

Extracting And Maintaining Project Knowledge Using Ontologies (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, workshop on "Technologies for Collaborative Business Processes", Paphos, Cyprus, May 23-27, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ontologies)


Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene

Configuring the e-Gadgets (Journal Article)

Communications of the ACM (CACM), special issue section on "The Disappearing Computer", 48(3), ACM Press , pp. 69, 2005.

(BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, dissapearing computer, Ubiquitous computing)

Christopoulou, Eleni; Kameas, Achilles

GAS Ontology: an ontology for collaboration among ubiquitous computing devices (Journal Article)

International Journal of Human – Computer Studies, 62(5), Elsevier , pp. 664-685, 2005.

(BibTeX | Tags: ontologies, Ubiquitous computing)

Drossos, Nikos; Christopoulou, Eleni; Kameas, Achilles

Middleware for Building Ubiquitous Computing Applications Using Distributed Objects (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th Hellenic conference on Informatics (PCI2005), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3746, Volos Greece, November 11-13, 2005.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

On emergent phenomena in everyday activities taking place in AmI spaces (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 2nd European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS05), Paris, France, November 14-18, 2005.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence)


Markopoulos, Panos; Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

End-User Configuration of Ambient Intelligence Environments: Feasibility from a User Perspective (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 2nd European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3296, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 8-10 , 2004.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)


Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

End-user programming tools in ubiquitous computing applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCII03), vol. 2, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)

Mavrommati, Irene; Markopoulos, Panos; Kalemis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Experiencing Extrovert Gadgets (Proceeding)

Proceedings of HCI 2003, Vol. 2, Research Press International, Bath, UK, September 8-12, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)

Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

Re-appearing interfaces of objects (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCII03), vol. 4, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)


Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene; Ringas, Dimitris; Wason, Prashant

eComp: an architecture that supports P2P networking among ubiquitous computing devices (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE P2P Conference, Linkoping, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sweden, September 5-7, 2002.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)


Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene

Interacting with ubiquitous computer applications: issues and methodology (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Human-Computer Interaction (PC-HCI 2001), Patras, Greece, 7-9 December, 2001.

(BibTeX | Tags: ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing)

151 entries « 2 of 4 »