BIBLIO Sept meeting

Ενεργός συμμετοχή της DAISSy στη 2η Συνάντηση Συντονισμού του έργου BIBLIO

BIBLIO Sept meetingH Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου (ΕΑΠ), φορέας εταίρος του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου BIBLIO στην Ελλάδα, συμμετείχε ενεργά στη 2η διακρατική συνάντηση συντονισμού του έργου.

Η αρχικά προγραμματισμένη δια ζώσης, 2η διακρατική συνάντηση συντονισμού του εταιρικού σχήματος του έργου #DigitalBiblio, η οποία είχε προγραμματιστεί να λάβει χώρα στη Σόφια, τελικά πραγματοποιήθηκε διαδικτυακά στις 10 και 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020.

Στο επίκεντρο των εργασιών βρέθηκαν τα αποτελέσματα της ερευνητικής φάσης με την ολοκλήρωση της αναφοράς & για την ανάλυση των αναγκών κατάρτισης 1 στον τομέα των Βιβλιοθηκών, καθώς και η ανάπτυξη του περιεχομένου του προγράμματος σπουδών και η πρώτη φάση της εκπαίδευσης!

  • Η Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του ΕΑΠ, παρουσίασε την προτεινόμενη δομή και περιεχόμενο του σχετικού MOOC που προβλέπεται ως ένα από τα παραδοτέα του έργου BIBLIO. Στόχος είναι η δημιουργία ενός σύγχρονου MOOC που θα υποστηρίξει την ανάπτυξη των Βιβλιοθηκών και των ικανοτήτων των επαγγελματιών του χώρου, διασφαλίζοντας τη δυνατότητά του (MOOC) να προσελκύει και να εξυπηρετεί αποτελεσματικά και αποδοτικά τους επαγγελματίες των Βιβλιοθηκών.
  • Έμφαση θα δοθεί στην ενεργό εμπλοκή όλων (εκπαιδευτών, εκπαιδευομένων και προσωπικού των Βιβλιοθηκών) ώστε τουλάχιστον 400 άτομα από τις χώρες εταίρους (Ιταλία, Βουλγαρία, Λετονία, Βέλγιο και Ελλάδα) να αξιοποιήσουν το MOOC και να το αξιολογήσουν, δίνοντας τις παρατηρήσεις τους. Όσα άτομα ολοκληρώσουν επιτυχώς το MOOC, θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να συνεχίσουν την κατάρτισή τους σε επόμενο στάδιο του έργου.
  • Η DAISSy συντονίζει την υλοποίηση του εν λόγω παραδοτέου, καθώς διαθέτει, μεταξύ άλλων, πολυετή, συναφή, αξιόλογη εμπειρία στο σχεδιασμό και υλοποίηση MOOC, που εγγυάται ποιοτικό αποτέλεσμα για το έργο BIBLIO.

Σύντομα θα δημοσιευτεί η αναφορά για την ανάλυση των αναγκών κατάρτισης καθώς και οι πληροφορίες για τα αναδυόμενα προφίλ εργασίας (job profiles) που έχουν δημιουργηθεί!

Μείνετε συντονισμένοι και μην ξεχάσετε να επισκέπτεστε την Ιστοσελίδα του BIBLIO και να παρακολουθείτε τις ιστορίες (“Stories”) από τους φορείς εταίρους του έργου!


BIBLIO interviews in Greece: digital transformation of the libraries’ services

biblio-logoΤhe results of the BIBLIO research on competencies and training needs of the library professionals in Greece are out! From the quantitative part, the survey conducted, these include:
  • 80 professionals with an EQF-6 average educational background took part in the survey and 71% of them indicate 30 years of work experience on the average.
  • 78% declared that their skills and knowledge need to be updated to complete their responsibilities.
  • Among them, there are the elderly (37%), the students (29%) and the young people of less than 18 years of age (25%), who mostly wish for more digital activities!
More precisely, top priority theme turns out to be the social media management and the marketing of library activities whereas, the survey participants also express their five top preferences on training themes, i.e. exploration of technological changes, measurement and evaluation of library services, digitization, community assessment, library marketing and communications.

The in-depth interviews (qualitative part) held with librarians, electrical engineers and users, showed that both libraries’ professionals and users are not yet accustomed to the digital changes in libraries. Specific points made included that: libraries have always been implementing digital services; technology has been an integral part within the operation of modern ones. In fact, the digital transformation embraces and empowers the current practices of libraries and makes their resources available to users on a very high scale – so, the traditional services are actually maintained but expanded by using digital techniques and tools, in order to outreach to a larger audience through a faster and more effective way.

Furthermore, the findings indicate that there is a positive impact on the staff, users and services of a library by implementing digital changes. However, the library staff needs to be properly trained in order to get used to this changing environment. It has also been pointed out that it is important to a modern librarian to receive specialized training experience instead of just exploring on his/her own the available digital tools and applications.

Last but not least, the situations emerged in 2020, during the quarantine of COVD-19 in Greece, pointed out the dynamic range of digital applications but also the operational needs of the technical systems as well as the needs of library staff and users for familiarizing more with the use of modern ICT.

The research was completed by DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU), the BIBLIO partner in Greece, supported by the Distance Library and Information Center (D.L.I.C.) of the HOU between March 30 and June 30th 2020.

For more information on BIBLIO project and other activities of DAISSy:
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Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup, @digitalbiblio
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Instagram : @daissy_researchgroup
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The project BIBLIO is co-funded by ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union under grant agreement No 612411-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA.

DAISSy matches BIBLIO with PATRAS IQ, start-ups initiative and INTERREG EU program

On 26th June 2020, with the participation of civil society organizations, innovation hubs and academic institutions, a vivid EduTech session took place about the future of education and the impact of technology on it.biblio-logo

The so called “Startups on Air” event involved innovative ideas and startups, success and failure stories and is powered by #PatrasIQ (Innovation & Technology), the reference and interconnection point of the relevant ecosystem of the city of Patras. It is noteworthy, that the “PATRAS IQ” initiative embraces education, innovation, research and entrepreneurship on annual basis and at national level for more than seven years on the row. It has been strongly supported by Hellenic Open University (HOU) since the beginning and is being implemented in Patras, metropolitan centre of Western Greece, the city of the HOU Headquarters.

More precisely, the “Startups on Air” powered by “Patras IQ”, is supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Achaia, the University of Patras, the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the Patras Science Park, the National Bank of Greece, the POS4work Innovation and Entrepreneurship Node, the InterMediaKT (NGO), the Orange Grove and other agencies. This initiative is also sponsored by “TeleicceEU project targeting the promotion of the most up-to-date tele-working and mass open -online training for improving  the competitiveness of SMEs and the employment of professionals, funded by the “INTERREG V-A Greece-Italy” EU Program (

Prof Achilles KAMEAS, Director of DAISSy Research Group of HOU, the Greek partner of BIBLIO, participated in the “Startups on Air” EduTech session – he presented related actions of DAISSy and focused on the BIBLIO project taking into account its innovative content and its firm interconnection with the impact of technology and digitalization on the libraries world! The online discussion was vivid and raised the interest of the speakers and participants from the sectors of ICT, economy and finance, education and research, innovation and entrepreneurship. It proved to be an excellent platform of matching BIBLIO with PATRAS IQ and INTERREG providing added value to the establishment of new bonds, the enrichment of stakeholders, the promotion of the project and its current results (

Here is how you can find more information on BIBLIO #DigitalBiblio and other activities of DAISSy:


Website :
Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup, @digitalbiblio
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Twitter :
Instagram : @daissy_researchgroup
Email :


Biblio project survey on competencies and training needs of the library professionals in Greece

Τhe first results of the Biblio project survey on competencies and training needs of the library professionals in Greece are out! biblio-logo

  • 80 professionals with an EQF-6 average educational background took part in the survey and 71% of them indicate 30 years of work experience on the average.
  • 78% declared that their skills and knowledge need to be updated to complete their responsibilities.
  • Among them, there are the elderly (37%), the students (29%) and the young people of less than 18 years of age (25%), who mostly wish for more digital activities!

More precisely, top priority theme turns out to be the social media management and the marketing of library activities whereas, the survey participants also express their 5 top preferences on training themes, i.e. exploration of technological changes; measurement and evaluation of library services; digitization; community assessment; library marketing and communications.

The survey was completed by DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University supported by Distance Library and Information Center (D.L.I.C.) of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) between March 30 and May 11th 2020.

For more information on BIBLIO #DigitalBiblio, you can visit/contact us at:

Website :
Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup, @digitalbiblio
Linkedin :
Twitter :
Instagram : @daissy_researchgroup
Email :

#EAP #HOU #DAISSy #europeanprojects #BIBLIOsurvey #librarians #Greece


Οι βιβλιοθήκες σχεδιάζουν την επανα-λειτουργία τους με ασφαλή τρόπο και το έργο BIBLIO συμβάλει σε αυτό

Στην τρέχουσα χρονική περίοδο και σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα, οι βιβλιοθήκες (#Libraries) σχεδιάζουν την επανα-λειτουργία τους με ασφαλή τρόπο, διατηρώντας συνεχή συνεργασία με τις ενώσεις τους και τα δίκτυά τους.

H Eρευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του ΕΑΠ μετέχει με περηφάνια σε αυτή την προσπάθεια, στο πλαίσιο συνεργασίας με τη “Διεθνή Ομοσπονδία Ενώσεων και Ινστιτούτων Βιβλιοθηκών” (IFLA-International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) κι ειδικότερα με το Τμήμα της για τη “Διαχείριση των Ενώσεων Βιβλιοθηκών” (IFLA Section – Management of Library Associations) αναφορικά με τη συλλογή και προώθηση πληροφοριών μεταξύ των χωρών, χωρίς σύνορα!

Μπορείτε να δείτε “εδώ” περισσότερες πληροφορίες.

Η πρωτοβουλία αυτή εντάσσεται στην υλοποίηση του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου BIBLIO #DigitalBiblio, όπου η ερευνητική ομάδα DAISSy του ΕΑΠ (#DAISSy #HOU) αποτελεί φορέα-εταίρο στην Ελλάδα.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το έργο BIBLIO κι άλλες δράσεις της ερευνητικής ομάδας DAISSy:

  • Website:
  • Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup @DigitalBiblio
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:, @digital_biblio
  • Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
  • Email:

44% of Greeks find libraries “very useful” !

biblio-logo44% of Greeks find #libraries “very useful”.

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) agrees that libraries are very useful to everyone! That’s why it is working to equip library staff with the #digitalskills they need for the future!

Find all the “Libraries and Skills” factsheets on Public Libraries 2030 website.

This is included in “BIBLIO: Boosting digital skills and competences of libraries in Europe” European project under implementation by HOU-DAISSy Reasearch Group (project partner in Greece), which is funded by ERASMUS+ (Key Action 2) programme of the European Union.

For more information about the BIBLIO project and HOU-DAISSy, please check:

Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup, @DigitalBiblio
Website  :
Email      :


“Boosting digital skills and competences of libraries in Europe” Kickoff Meeting

biblio-1DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University participated in the Kick off Meeting of the three-year project “Boosting digital skills and competences of libraries in Europe”. BIBLIO is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Action KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliances, and its official launch took place in Bari (Italy) on January 27th and 28th.

BIBLIO aims to address the skills gap in the library sector due to digital transformation. The project has been created by the consortium of 10 partners from five countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia). The partnership includes sectoral organisations – national and international library networks and organisations; VET providers, a university and two European networks in digital skills and library professionals.

During meeting, the partners discussed various work packages and challenges, defined the priorities and set the action plan for the first year. On Day 1 the partners talked about the management and communication, prepared for the needs analysis research, got introduced to the coaching circle methodology and the good practices in mapping emerging job roles, based on the experience of MuSA project. The second day was devoted to the VET curricula, MOOC design and delivery, specialisation course for library professionals, and project dissemination activities.

DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University will participate in all project Work Packages by conducting the research, developing the MOOC, piloting BIBLIO activities in Greece and contributing to the project dissemination and exploitation activities.

For more information regarding BIBLIO project and/or more news of the DAISSy Research Group:

Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup, @DigitalBiblio
Website :
Email :