• Info

    Title Upskilling school teachers for education-work transition


    Programme Erasmus+

    Project Number 2020-1-UK01-KA203-079248

    Start – End Date 19/10/2020 – 18/04/2023

    Duration 30 months

    Action Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education

    Funding Agency European Commission

    Total Project Funding 374.938,00

    Project Homepage

    Status Completed


In Jan 2019, 3.375 million (14.9%) young persons under 25 were unemployed in the EU28. The relevance of new approaches in the school system is of paramount importance: many projects have been carried out linked to WBL. In Italy, e.g., the law 107/2015 introduced the school-job alternation as compulsory for all students in the last three years of high school. Notwithstanding the importance given to WBL by policy-makers, it is not a solution per se, but it requires specific conditions to be effective. To train students to “learn how to learn, constantly”, requires key actors (companies, educators, teachers and students) to have a strong commitment.

The application of the school-work transition scheme in EU (NetWBL 2017,CESIE 2017), in Italy, is facing two main challenges (MIUR 2018):

  1. difficulties in securing a high quality of the internship/stage through an effective match between students (training) and company (work) needs;
  2. school teachers skills gap in a) the design of WBL paths b) in the engagement of students.

The INSTRUCTION project aims at adapting an innovative tutoring model with the objectives to:

  1. Facilitate students’ transition between education and the world of work;
  2. Strengthen the link between schools and companies (matching);
  3. Define an innovative tutoring model to empower students and facilitate the matching;
  4. Update school teacher skills to support the school-work transition of students;
  5. Promote the development of effective policies for school-work transition;
  6. Provide relevant research contents to the debate on the improvement of the education-work

Project Outcomes

Expected results of the INSTRUCTION projects include:

  1. Definition of an innovative tutoring model for the transition from education to employment. The model will strengthen the link between students and companies.
  2. Update and enhancement of teachers competences who facilitate the transition of students
  3. Promotion of the development of effective policies for school-work transition

The expected impact focuses on:

  • Improvement of the attractiveness and performance of the school system in relation with the
  • transition from education to work;
  • Alignment of the WBL paths to the market needs;-Update of school staff skills and competences on the school-work transition;
  • Enhancement of public policies on school-work transition;
  • Provision of relevant research contents to the debate on the improvement of WBL and the education-work transition.
  • Innovative tutoring model
  • Production of an e-learning platform to support the WBL process. You can visit the platform here:


Dissemination Material


DAISSy Research Group


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Parodos Aristotelous 18, 26 335, Patras, Greece
