Title Developing qualification profiles for jobs in Ambient-Assisted Living
Acronym CompAAL
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number 518218-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-LEONARDO-LMP
Start – End Date 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2013
Duration 24 months
Instrument / Type Multilateral Projects for Development of innovation
Funding Agency EU-EACEA
Total Project Funding 398.317 €
Project Homepage
Status Completed
CompAAL is an EU funded project aiming to develop qualification profiles for jobs in Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL). AAL specialist skills are needed in many professions, in which job requirements have changed because of fast-evolving technologies. New skills profiles have to be set-up for professionals from various backgrounds, for example architects building AAL compatible homes, staff of ambulatory home care and, most of all, IT specialists in order to enable them design AAL systems and interfaces, to manage interoperability, as well as to create, manage and moderate social networks.
CompAAL will identify the main needs and requirements in jobs in the field of AAL in the participating countries and the knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes), which are insufficiently trained in the framework of related qualification programmes. For this purpose, each project partner will carry out desk and fiel research analysing all available studies and extracting the learning outcomes, i.e. knowledge, skills and competences needed for AAL related jobs.
CompAAL will have a long-term impact on vocational training institutions providing further education in the fields of AAL-related ICT applications and geriatric care in the sense that they will be able to improve their training offers based on the developed training guidelines. These adaptations will reduce the mismatch between trained competences and competences needed in the labour market and will also increase the comparability of qualifications in the field of AAL via reference to the various levels of EQF. Employers in AAL-related jobs will be able to recruit appropriate staff from all over Europe, as qualification profiles will increase transparency and comparability of all AAL qualifications.
Project Outcomes
CompAAL will carry out field research to specify and collect competence in the framework of a field study, professionals in the field of AAL respectively their employers will be interviewed in all participating countries using a standardised questionnaire in order to specify the knowledge, skills and competence needs in this area.
The outcomes of CompAAL will be relevant for the research sector, the ICT sector, the health care sector, the contruction sector as well as the VET sector in general. Consequently, the project consortium involves higher and vocational education institutions as well as SME associations from these different sectors.
The Main innovative elements and outcomes foreseen by the development of CompAAL project are:
- Definition of a set of 4-5 European qualification profiles for jobs in the field of Ambient-Assisted Living (Suggested: AAL Assistant / Agent, AAL Systems Manager, AAL Usability & Design Specialist, AAL Agent for Interoperability, AAL Social Networker, AAL privacy/ ethical expert), mapping knowledge, competences and skills aligned to the eCF/EQF. (PDF)
- XML-based versions of the job profiles.
- Guidelines for training institutions complying to the principles of the ECVET so that they can set up training offers in the field of ambient-assisted living professions accordingly. (PDF)