Title Boosting Global Citizenship Education using digital storytelling
Acronym BRIGHTs
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 580256-EPP-1-2016-1-BE-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
Start – End Date 31/12/2016 – 31/12/2018
Duration 24 months
Action Action KA3 Social Inclusion through Education, training and youth
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €549.883,00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
BRIGHTS will promote Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in formal and non-formal Education with the help of digital storytelling (DS) techniques, leading to more socially inclusive education and training policies and practices in Europe. It will increase awareness and knowledge on GCE among educators, trainers, policy makers and the civil society, and will give young people real opportunities to challenge discriminations, value cultural diversity and become active citizens. This will led to the establishment of the first European Community on GCE.
BRIGHTS’ objectives are:
- To build teachers’ and trainers’ capacity to implement GCE with young people using digital storytelling techniques, and
- To empower young people to develop social, civic and intercultural competences as well as critical thinking, media literacy, creativity and digital skills. In practice, young people will produce digital stories on Global Citizenship topics
The project will be implemented in Belgium, Croatia, Greece and Italy and directly address:
- Secondary school teachers and trainers (e-facilitators, youth workers, cultural mediators etc.) working in formal and non-formal educational settings (schools, Telecentres, Youth Centres, NGOs etc.) with young people.
- Young people (13-19 years old), including youngsters at risk of marginalisation
- Education and training policy-makers and stakeholders
Project Outcomes
BRIGHTS’ Outcomes are:
- Collection of good practices for promotion and learning of GCE
- Blended training course for educators (including a MOOC and face-to-face workshops) on how to implement GCE using digital storytelling
- Digital stories produced by young people on GCE topics, such as human
rights, peace and democratic values, intercultural dialogue, active
citizenship, etc. - European Community on GCE on the Unite-IT platform
- Information kit on GCE for policy-makers
- Policy recommendations on GCE, based on the project experimentation in
Belgium, Croatia, Greece and Italy
