Title Digital Competences Development System
Acronym DCDS
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 776211
Start – End Date 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019
Duration 24 months
Action KA3, Support for Policy Reform, Forward looking cooperation projects
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €664.207,00
Project Homepage www.dcds-project.eu/
Status Completed
In today’s society everyone needs to have a wide set of skills, knowledge and competences, including a sufficient level of digital competence, in order to play an active part in society, to access and progress in the labour market, and to engage in further education and training in a lifelong learning perspective. Around a quarter of the European adult population struggles with reading and writing and has poor numeracy and digital skills. Adults who do not possess a sufficient level of such skills face a high risk of social exclusion.
In this context, the DCDS project aims to establish a framework that will provide the low-skilled adult European population with the basic digital and transversal competences needed for employment, personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship.
Project Outcomes
To achieve this aim, the project will develop an open, innovative multilingual Digital Competences Development System (DCDS) and use it to provide non-formal training to low-skilled adults in different European countries. DCDS will consist of:
- The Digital Competences Development Methodology (DCDM) for the development of digital competences and related transversal skills of adults
- The online Digital Competences Development Environment (DCDE) consisting of the following modules:
- Self-assessment tool that allows adults identify gaps in basic digital competences;
- Recommender tool that enables trainees to identify the training offers that best match their needs;
- Online tools for the management of trainees’ profiles and the definition of flexible learning pathways that combine training modules;
- Online learning application with gamification features;
- Multilingual digital Open Educational Resources; and
- Validation and certification of digital and transversal competences.
- Personalised blended non-formal trainings composed by training modules to meet individual learning needs, which combine online learning with face-to-face support sessions by e-facilitators
- Handbooks and course guides for implementing the methodology to assist the trainers and the training providers in planning and delivering flexible and modular training offers
- Policy Influence Toolkit for training providers and policy recommendations based on data analysis for further exploitation and transfer by policy makers on e-Inclusion, Adult Education and Digital Skills Agenda.
DCDS will be completely aligned to the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens – DigComp, and will promote its adoption in Europe.
