Acronym ELTAB
Framework LEΑDERA : Lead Market European Research Area Network
Project Number 465435
Start – End Date 01/02/2014 – 30/09/2015
Duration 20 months
Instrument / Type
Funding Agency European Social Fund – ESF
Total Project Funding 157,590 €
Project Homepage http://eltab.cti.gr
Status Completed
The ELTAB project focuses on the area of Personal Health Systems in the field of Ambient Assisted Living and proposes an innovative platform that will have two modules: the health-care module; a service-oriented platform and cloud-based to collect daily information from health measurement instruments, everyday devices and home environment sensors, to analyse data with advanced medical algorithms and produce diagnostic alarms; the social inclusion module to inform elderly or offer links to available social sources and services.
Project Outcomes
The Elder Tablet solution will be a prototype consisting of a tablet, medical and everyday devices, home sensors and a gateway with decision making support. It will have the following features:
- Usage of Bluetooth/Wifi medical devices
- Usage of home sensors (temperature, humidity, motion sensor, etc.) to assess the level of activity of the elder and to check whether he/she lives in a healthy environment. Based on the collected data from those sensors, some recommendations will be given to the elders (e.g. increase the temperature of your living room of 1 degree, open a window, increase your level of activity etc).
- Alerts sent to health professionals/medical staff or relatives in case of detected abnormalities
- interaction with doctors and service providers via a web portal
- User interface will be designed for elder people
- Easy access to social media and mass media via social interaction module
Different from regular tablets; ergonomics, interface and applications will be especially developed for elders. Within the “Elder Tablet Project” a system will be designed and developed by using:
- Cloud Computing Technology for software development and data storage;
- Bluetooth Technology for data transfer from health measurement instruments and wireless technology for data transfer from sensors;
- Java Programming for Android Operating System;
- N-layer architecture;
- Compatible software for both tablets with device limiter technology;
- User friendly GUI;
- Modular structure;
Two small pilot studies, one in Greece and one in Turkey will be conducted during this project. They will take into account local context elements.

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