Title Environmental POrtfolio for Quality in University Education
Acronym ÉPOQUE
Programme Erasmus +
Project Number 2014-1-EL-01-KA200-001373
Start – End Date 01-09-2014 – 31-08-2016
Duration 24 months
Action Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
Funding Agency EU – State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)
Total Project Funding 199.169,00 €
Project Homepage http://www.epoque-project.eu
eLearning Platform http://www.epoque-platform.eu
Status Completed
The European Commission stresses the importance for the sustainable use of Natural Resources. The EU is working to mobilise public opinion, decision-makers and market operators and to set minimum energy efficiency standards and rules on labelling for products, services and infrastructure.
The project ÉPOQUE promotes a smart specialisation of prospective teachers, scientists and engineers through an environmental portfolio which can be fully integrated to the university syllabuses. It creates a new generation of green professionals in the context of higher education modernization agenda connected to SMEs and enterprises (including schools). Moreover, the direct involvement of schools during the project validation can act as a catalyst towards the sensitisation of the teachers for sustainable use of natural resources, with a concrete focus on energy, while it promotes the prompt awareness of young pupils on energy issues.
Project Outcomes
The project aims to achieve the following concrete outcomes:
- Study/ training programme for University students
- eLearning Platform
- eLearning courses
- Regional and/or national workshops and conference
- Digital training content uploaded by stakeholders trained in the project
- Didactic manual for professors/ trainers
- Dissemination material