Title I CARE
Acronym I CARE
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2015-1-EL01-KA202-014051
Start – End Date 01/09/2015 – 31/08/2017
Duration 24 months
Action Action KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices- Strategic Partnerships
Funding Agency Funding Agency State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)
Total Project Funding €248.204,00
Project Homepage http://www.i-care-project.eu/
Status Completed
The aim of the icare project is:
- to improve the level of soft and ICT skills of formal and informal caregivers
- to improve the level of knowledge and skills of informal caregivers regarding patient care (basic skills) & their own health and safety
- and, as a result, to improve the well-being of the caregivers and the quality of the services provided to the patients
The target groups of this project are:
- Scholars of nursing school, VET organizations, nurses, and social educators
- Informal caregivers (migrants, patients’ relatives etc) working at home.
Project Outcomes
- Improve caregivers’ access of lower levels of qualifications and from different disadvantaged backgrounds (e.g. migrants, unemployed) to an educational course leading them to obtain relevant qualifications and helping them to increase their employability.
- Free Access to Open Educational Resources (MOOC) in four (4) languages
- Improved knowledge and skills of both formal and informal caregivers through innovative learning approaches based to their needs.
- Supporting integration Services (i.e. self assessment tools like mini games, a coaching session) for informal caregivers with lower levels of qualifications

Dissemination Material
DAISSy Research Group
info daissy.eap.gr
Tel.: +30.2610367964
Parodos Aristotelous 18, 26 335, Patras, Greece
ICT skills
soft skills
formal and informal caregivers
boosting employability