Title Linguacuisine
Acronym Linguacuisine
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2016-1-UK01-KA204-024254
Start – End Date 01/09/2016 – 31/10/2018
Duration 26 months
Action Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships
Funding Agency Ecorys UK Limited Consortium Member for UK National Agency -1650169
Total Project Funding €323,886.00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
Lingua Cuisine Project is aiming to create a sustainable model for the production and use of multimedia materials for learning languages, cuisines and cultures based on user-generated content. Main objective of the project (horizontal priority) is an open and innovative education, training and youth work, embedded in the digital area. Under the adult education field-specific priority the project also aims to improve basic skills, increase digital competence, and engage people with technology. The non-discriminatory nature of the project welcomes all interested candidates to participate with special focus in people from vulnerable social groups or at risk of marginalization (e.g. pensioners, young adults, women, migrants), providing them an opportunity to gain certification in digital competence in order to enhance their possibilities to reenter the labor market.
Training framework of the project is implemented through a three-circle workshop schedule, each one consisting of six theory and practice non-consecutive sessions. In these sessions participants will have the opportunity to be introduced to the basics of digital technology, Web and Video shooting/editing using CC apps and apparatus. At the same time they will be participating in a variety of activities (hands-ons drills, questionnaires, storyboard writing, basic editing operations such as word processing, save, copy & paste, etc. as well as browsing and searching safely and effectively in the Web and using apps for video shooting/editing and more).
As the project addresses to people with no or little digital literacy, it aims to have participants improve their competence with digital technology, change their attitudes towards technology, interact with a new group of people in a new environment while at the same time they learn a foreign language, foreign cuisines and cultures and potentially improve employment prospects; prospects that will not only enhance digital skills but also self-confidence in the contemporary world of digital communication and social inclusion in the local and the global society.
Project Outcomes
The project’s outcomes are:
- To produce a downloadable tablet and smartphone app (android and iphone) which will enable users to be guided through cooking a recipe in 6 official EU languages.
- To create an online community of practice with access via the apps.
- Participants will learn aspects of a foreign languages, cuisines and cultures by using the apps.
- To develop a certification system for the digital competence which participants develop.
