Title Massive Online Open Εducation Quality
Acronym MOOQ
Programme Erasmus+ KA3
Project Number 2015-1-NL01-KA203-008950
Start – End Date 01/09/2015 – 31/08/2018
Duration 3 years
Action Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Funding Agency –
Total Project Funding €449.754
Project Homepage
Status Completed
The vision of MOOQ is to foster quality in MOOCs leading to a new era of learning experiences. MOOQ’s mission is to develop a Quality Reference Framework (QRF) for the adoption, the design, the delivery and the evaluation of MOOCs in order to empower MOOC providers for the benefit of the learners.
For this purpose, MOOQ has followed a mixed method research approach: First, the Global MOOC Quality Survey addressing MOOC learners, designers and facilitators with hundreds of participants was a huge success. In addition, 45 semi-structured interviews were conducted with MOOC providers, designers and facilitators leading to in-depth insights. And a series of workshops at international conference were organized by MOOQ to discuss and improve the Quality Reference Framework for MOOCs. Thank you very much for joining and sharing your experiences and expectations!
The main goal of MOOQ is the development and the integration of quality approaches, new pedagogies and organisational mechanisms into MOOCs with a strong focus on the learning processes, methodologies and assessments.
To enhance the unique digital market in Europe, MOOQ will lead to new Q-generation of MOOCs that will be designed, organized and tested as qMOOCs. This will be done in close collaboration with all interested partners and stakeholders in Europe and beyond.
Project Outcomes
The main project outcome is the MOOC QRF. The Quality Reference Framework (QRF) for MOOCs is the main result from the MOOQ initiative. It was developed following the mixed method research approach and based on the findings from
- the Global MOOC Quality Surveys addressing MOOC learners, designers and facilitators (a huge success with hundreds of participants),
- 36 semi-structured interviews conducted with MOOC providers, designers and facilitators (leading to in-depth insights) and
- a series of workshops at international conferences to allow contributions and feedback from all interested stakeholders worldwide.
