Title ASEAN Network for Green Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Acronym ANGEL
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 619421-EPP-1-2020-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Start – End Date 15/01/2021-14/1/2024
Duration 36 months
Action KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding 944.270,00€
Project Homepage
Status Ongoing
ANGEL (ASEAN Network for Green Entrepreneurship and Leadership), aims to build the capacity necessary in selected ASEAN Universities for balancing the high potential economic growth and innovation in the South East Asian region with green knowledge, skills, abilities entrenched issues and challenges of poverty, digital divide and leadership gaps.
Its objectives are:
- to address green entrepreneurship, effective leadership and social innovation challenges in the areas where partner countries display competitive advantage namely high-tech, agriculture, green technology and energy,
- to build a high calibre network of future green entrepreneurial-leaders and thinkers who could connect with the local/regional and international market ecosystem with a multiplier effect in the ASEAN region.
ANGEL will develop an innovative green entrepreneurial-leadership ecosystem that will foster guidance, engagement, exchanges and support, via online guides, targeted training programmes with personal coaching, a centre for the development of early-stage start-ups, development of relevant expertise and networks.
Project Outcomes
- Creation of an online guide that will offer practical, personalized information for building and leading a green enterprise; a targeted training programme which will be complemented with personal coaching and will support the creation of start-ups. The ANGEL Guidance will be offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners for use, reuse, adaptation and sharing.
- Development of two Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), one for entrepreneurship trainers and one for trainees that will contain the teaching and assessment material developed throughout the project. It will promote collaborative learning and contain a ‘practice area’ for sharing entrepreneurial ideas. Through the ANGEL MOOC, users will be able to share their entrepreneurial ideas and projects. The MOOC will support English, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia, Lao, Vietnamese and Khmer
- Establishment of ANGEL Innovate Units in each partner University that already has relevant services. An ANGEL-Enterprise team who will have the mission to support and advance ANGEL in the long term through the development of expertise in the commercialization of Universities’ knowledge and technology, and partnership-building with the external regional/national/international entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Development of ANGEL-Hubs in each partner University that will be a centre for the development of early-stage start-ups in green technologies, energy and sustainable development.
- Establishment of a University network that will reach and mobilize both internal and external stakeholders through its ANGEL- Innovate Unit. Internal stakeholders will include faculty members, administrative staff, researchers, students and relevant external partners who will be social entrepreneurs, start-ups and government agencies that relate to green entrepreneurship.

- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) – MALAYSIA: Project Coordinator
- Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) – MALAYSIA
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM) – MALAYSIA
- Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) – INDONESIA
- Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) – INDONESIA
- University of South-East Asia (USEA) – CAMBODIA
- Institute Technology of Cambodia (ITC) – CAMBODIA
- Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) – CAMBODIA
- Savannakhet University (SKU) – LAOS
- Champasack University (CU) – LAOS
- Can Tho University (CTU) – VIETNAM
- Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG) – VIETNAM
- Research Innovation and Development Lab (ReadLab) – GREECE
- Hellenic Open University (HOU) – GREECE
- European University of Cyprus (EUC) – CYPRUS
- Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) – CYPRUS