Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in Europe
Title Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in Europe
Acronym BIBLIO
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 612411-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA
Start – End Date 01/11/2019 – 31/10/2022
Duration 36 months
Action Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliances – Design and Delivery of VET
Funding Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Union
Total Project Funding €944.258,00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
The project Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in Europe – BIBLIO addresses the skills gap in the library/archives sector due to the digital transformation that is changing the role of libraries. Specifically, the project will facilitate the acquisition of digital and transversal skills for library professionals. BIBLIO will promote the acquisition of digital skills for librarians mapping them into the DigComp framework and it will support the recognition of the new skills and competences at EU level, also promoting quality assurance of VET curricula using EQAVET system. Furthermore, BIBLIO will facilitate the inter-generational learning among young trainees and expert professionals, as through an action plan, trainees will bring new ideas and techniques to the hosting organisation, promoting their digitalization.
Project Outcomes
The project will start by analyzing the training needs and offers on the library sector, in order to identify a set of emerging job role profiles: for each of them, a modular VET curriculum addressing EQF level 5 will be designed, applying a specific VET methodology based on learning outcomes and on the blended learning principles, in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, competences and skills based on the exploitation of various learning settings.
The delivery of the VET curricula will be based on a set of digital OERs that will be developed to support the acquisition of more than 40 digital and transversal competences. Based on the training contents previously identified, project partners will develop:
- A MOOC addressed to European library professionals for acquiring the identified competences of new job role profiles
- A Specialization Training Course including face-to-face, virtual learning, project-based learning and a work-based learning phase. Training will be delivered via an online platform that stimulates sharing
and exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices. WBL phase will be based on the principle of inter-generational learning.
European instruments (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET) will be applied, facilitating the recognition and validation of qualifications. Job role profiles will be mapped to ESCO and e-CF.
BIBLIO will have a significant impact mostly on library professionals, unemployed people in the library sector and libraries, by enabling them to offer innovative services for users.
