Title Critical visual media literacy and empowerment
Acronym CLIP
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000087261
Start – End Date 01.10.2022 – 31.03.2024
Duration 18 months
Action KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Funding Agency Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus Plus
Total Project Funding €120.000,00
Project Homepage
Status Ongoing
CLIP aims to strengthen digital capabilities of the Higher Education (HE) sector, and to increase resilience to manipulation and polarisation working on the important issue of critical visual literacy, that is a fundamental component of the way European students and citizens are getting informed in the digital era.
The main objectives of the CLIP project are:
- Raise awareness of the role played by higher education in Europe to enable the fair and resilient digital transformation, tracking disinformation and bias in visual communication through education and training
- Increase the digital fluency and critical consciousness about visual media of European students and faculties, both within communication study communities and transversely across subjects, nourishing misinformation-resilient behaviors and providing them with the practical skills to detect image bias as well as stereotypes in visual artefacts
- Enable academic staff, senior management and communication staff at the universities to develop sustainable strategies for integrating visual media literacy at all levels of course offering.
Project Outcomes
In terms of outcomes, the project will provide European HEIs with tools and educational resources to detect image bias as well as stereotypes in visual artefacts, strengthening their capacities to work with media and images manipulation from a critical viewpoint.
The in-depth analysis of visual media literacy as part of the Report on Visual Media Literacy in Europe will translate into a concrete set of guidelines, and it will lay the groundwork for the development of the other results and activities. It will contribute to raising awareness of the role played by non-biased visual communication to contribute to the development of inclusive and socially responsible societies.
The Micro-learning course in critical visual media literacy and fluency will equip participants with the necessary understanding about the importance of images in present societies and with the practical skills to detect image bias as well as stereotypes in visual artefacts.
The Scalability and transferability toolkit will provide a set of practical ideas and recommendations for the development of relevant visual media literacy initiatives in Europe, including operational tools for the promotion of a nonbiased visual communication, and guidelines for the teaching of visual media literacy, that will support the long-term adoption of a comprehensive approach to the matter of visual media literacy in Higher Education and in other learning environments (ranging from secondary schools to informal and non-formal digital skills learning.

- UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) (Coordinator-Italy)
- IULM University (Italy)
- HOU – Hellenic Open University (Greece)
- ALL DIGITAL (Belgium)
#medialiteracy #criticalthinking #education #disinformation #socialinclusion #activecitizenship #empowerment