DevOps competences for Smart Cities
Title DevOps competences for Smart Cities
Acronym DevOps
Programme Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliances (SSA)
Project Number 601015-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA
Start – End Date 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021
Duration 36 months
Action Schools, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms
Funding Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Union
Total Project Funding €979,536
Project Homepage
Status Completed
SmartDevOps is an E+ Sector Skills Alliance where Universities, VET providers, companies and standardization bodies come together to define and develop the skills needed in an emerging and very dynamic sector: Smart Cities. The project addresses the shortage of digital and transferrable skills in the municipalities’ smart cities sector and will support this sector’s employees in their professional development. Results are expected to benefit smart cities and municipalities which aim to adopt the DevOps culture, principles and practices by introducing DevOps professional profiles. It is a Sector Skills Alliance where universities, VET providers, companies and national standardisation bodies come together to define and develop the skills needed in an emerging and very dynamic sector: Smart Cities. It will address those working on Smart City strategies and tools, i.e. ICT and technical staff in municipalities, and will apply the DevOps approach to their work.
Project Outcomes
- Identify competencies and job role profiles of Smart Cities DevOps professionals.
- Design and deliver a VET curricula combining digital and transferrable skills, including a MOOC, open educational resources (OERs), e-learning, face-to-face training and work-based experience.
- Pilot th e developed curricula in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, and Italy and valuate the experience.
- Create and support communities of practice where professionals, trainers, employers will continue to work together to improve the Smart Cities sector.
- Relate to European and national qualification frameworks and the European credit system for vocational education and training to facilitate mobility and recognition.
- Use recognised frameworks such as EQAVET and e-CF to ensure quality and transferability.
- Disseminate and exploit the project results beyond the partnership.
Overall, the project will benefit Smart Cities which aim to adopt the DevOps culture. This will raise the quality of e-services, helping those Cities become truly IT sustainable while fulfilling their scope to “connect, protect, & enhance the lives of their citizens via digital technology”.
