DigComp Hub
Title DigComp Hub
Acronym DigComp Hub
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PCOOP-ENGO -101089974
Start – End Date 01/01/2023 – 30/06/2025
Duration 30 months
Action ERASMUS-LS— Cooperation Partnerships in the field of Education & Training
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding € 400,000.00
Project Homepage https://www.digcomphub.eu/
Status Ongoing
The DigComp Hub project aims at supporting and engaging adult education providers and educators across Europe in the path to digital transformation through the use of the DigComp Framework. Educators and training providers will benefit from the training, mentoring programme, resources on DigComp within the Community of Practice where the learning and support take place, aiming at providing to early and experienced users of DigComp a learning and supportive environment on how to adopt and use it at all educational levels. 9 micro-learning resources on inspiring the adoption of DigComp will be available. Practitioners and stakeholders will benefit the CoP in sharing, exchanging experiences, further contributing from their practical adoption experience. Synergies between DigComp and other frameworks will be investigated within the CoP stimulating cross-sectorial implementation and adoption. The consortium expects at least 200 new members within the CoP (on top of the members already in the CoP hosted by ALL DIGITAL) and at least 100 educators taking part in the training and mentoring programmes from across Europe. Raising awareness campaign will be launched to widely engage educational providers, expecting to reach 5000 target audience, inviting them to join the CoP and benefit from the policy recommendations on how to improve the use of DigComp. The final event will engage with at least 60 participants to further involve stakeholders and policy makers. The expected results from 12 deliverables (reports, content based, videos and digital tools) planned, rely on supporting the adoption and use of DigComp at all levels and within core digital fields and non-digital ones for European adult citizens (secondary target), on internationalisation, networking, supporting, exchanging of processes, formats, solutions and needs, adopting the DigComp framework, forward looking innovation, facilitating digital transformation, diversifying trainings for social inclusion.
Project Outcomes
Develop and nurture a Community of Practice (CoP) around DigComp, building on the existing DigComp CoP managed by ALL DIGITAL and by implementing several activities such as knowledge sharing, micro-learning, co-creation, stakeholder engagement, etc., including collaborative events to collect feedback, suggestions and explore further needs to be included in DigComp. Active synergies will be established with other relevant initiatives in different fields and sectors of education and training to cross-promote success stories and share resources, as well as to build and nurture an engaged and sustainable digital skills stakeholders’ community across Europe. These synergies will be established between formal and non-formal education actors, industry, and local and national authorities mainly involved in social inclusion and digital transformation.
Support professional development of adult education providers (trainers and teachers) in the adoption and use of DigComp, through the DigComp short-training and mentoring online programme. This service will build on the “DigComp in Action” guide produced by JRC and will also produce a comprehensive DigComp Toolkit to support trainers and teachers working in adult digital education, including all trainings materials on DigComp to facilitate its understanding, opportunities and how it can be used by training providers. The mentoring programme on how to practically adopt DigComp within the learning centre with dedicated expert mentors/tutors to guide, support and provide step-by-step feedback in designing, applying, and reviewing the adoption process.
Promote the adoption of DigComp across Europe through several coordinated actions: (1) A European awareness raising campaign linked to the ALL DIGITAL Weeks; (2) Dedicated communication and dissemination materials; (3) Activities (e.g. working groups, workshops and other events) aimed at creating and stimulating synergies between different actors and sectors in the field of education and training. The Consortium will raise awareness and promote the DigComp Hub through the roll out of the communication campaign to attract a critical mass of educators and digital competence centres across Europe and engage them in the training and the community of practice.

- ALL DIGITAL, AISBL, Belgium – Project coordinator
- Hellenic Open University, Greece and its DIASSy Research Group
- European Grants International Academy SRL, Italy
- Bantani Education, Belgium
#DigCompHub #DigComp #DigitalSkills #CompetenceDevelopment #AdultEducation