Title Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation, training and professions
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 101056253 — EDIFY_EDU
Start – End Date 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025
Duration 36 months
Action A.2 – Skills and Innovation
Funding Agency European Education and Culture Agency (EACEA)
Total Project Funding1.488.453,00 €
Project Homepage https://www.edifyeduproject.eu/
Status Ongoing
The project addresses the skills gap in the sector of Management education with regards to competencies on equality, diversity, and inclusion, (EDI) which are increasingly necessary in a complex and fluid society. The project will facilitate the acquisition of EDI competencies and transversal skills for management students and managers in business, in order to respond to the societal transformation by setting up a system for skill assessment, learning offers and validation and recognition.
Project Outcomes
- SO1 – Develop a robust research framework comprehensive of quantitative and qualitative
approaches, aimed at the de-construction and re-construction of management theory employing
an EDI lens. - SO2 – Design and test a learning-outcomes-oriented European Management Education
curriculum that aims at challenging orthodox management theory and its approach to workplace
equality diversity and inclusion, targeting both HE students and professionals. - SO3 – Strengthen the relation among the Educational Sector and the Labour market at
European level, by creating new opportunities of cooperation and innovation among their
respective representatives. - SO4 – Foster upskilling and reskilling of the labour market force and professions, by offering a
modular course which will help actual managers and professionals to have a better approach
toward Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and thus have better outcomes.

- The Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) – IRELAND: Project Coordinator
- The Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Chamber of Commerce (DUNCHAMB) – IRELAND
- European Grants International Academy (EGInA) – ITALY
- API Servizi – ITALY
- Aalto University School of Business & its Centre for Knowledge and Innovation Research(AALTO) – FINLAND
- IEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE) – FINLAND
- Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD) – GERMANY
- Pro Arbeit (PROARB) – GERMANY
- Hellenic Open University (HOU) – GREECE
- Achaia Chamber Development Entity (Achade) – GREECE
- Talent Garden (TAG) – ITALY
- The Female Factor (FEM) – AUSTRIA