Title European Software Skills Alliance
Acronym ESSA
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 621751-EPP-1-2020-1-BE-EPPKA2-SSA-B
Start – End Date 15/12/2020 – 14/12/2024
Duration 48 months
Action Lot 2: Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on skills
Funding Agency EACEA
Total Project Funding €3.843,634
Project Homepage n/a
Status Ongoing
The growing demand for skilled employees within the European Software Sector cannot be met by current education and training programmes. Europe needs an innovative new Software Skills Strategy that can fast-track the upskilling and reskilling of Europe’s workforce to address this ever-increasing skills gap. Technology innovation has changed the paradigm of the way software and IT infrastructure are being designed, delivered and managed (vide: automation, instant availability of services, growing software support functions), allowing for shorter and more efficient education cycles. Vocational education is considered as an applicable format, which enables better alignment with industry and employers’ real time needs and more flexible learning pathways.
The primary objective of this project is to design and implement a highly innovative, effective and sustainable Software Skills Strategy for Europe that will ensure the skills needs of the rapidly expanding and evolving Software Sector can be met in the short, medium and long term.
Project Outcomes
The project includes the establishment of a long-term partnership between The European Software Skills Alliance members; the design of an innovative and sustainable Software Skills Strategy; development, testing and roll-out of VET training curricula for VET and higher VET, programmes and qualifications in line with latest market needs and consistently linked with EU instruments and tools enabling professional skills and career development in general and empowering ICT Professionalism and digital competences in particular; and the widespread dissemination and long-term rollout of the strategy to maximise impact.
- Digital Europe ASBL,
- Hellenic Open University,
- Budapest University,
- ASIIIN Consult GmbH,
- Warsaw school of Computer Science,
- MODIS Consulting SRL,
- AICA, Adecco Formazione SRL,
- UNINFO Associazione,
- Digital Technology Skills Ltd (Skillnet ICT),
- GZS, ECDL (Ireland),
- AS BSC Koolitus,
- Codecool,
- Global Knowledge,
- University of Ljubljana,
- Global Knowledge Netherlands,
- Amazon Web Services,
- European Schoolnet, General Assembly,
- IT Professionalism Europe (ITPE)
- NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute.