Title Skills for promotion, valorization, exploitation, mediation and interpretation of European Cultural Heritage
Acronym EUHerit
Programme Sector Skills Alliances – Lot 2: SSA for Design and Delivery of VET
Project Number 601073-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA
Start – End Date 2019 – 2021
Duration 36 months
Action KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Funding Agency Erasmus+ Programme
Total Project Funding €985.353,00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
The EUHerit project focuses on digital and transversal skills,that according to the results of Voices of Culture – the EC’s Stakeholders Dialogue on culture – should be prioritized. Thus it aims at designing a joint transnational curriculum for professionals in the field of HERITAGE PROMOTION, VALORISATION, EXPLOITATION, MEDIATION & INTERPRETATION to make them more responsive to the sector challenges, through the development of a variety of competencies and skills, in particular transversal and digital skills, that – according to experts – are urgently needed. Such skills include:
In doing this, the project will take into consideration the needs to promote a cross-sectoral approach, also in terms of synergies among different industries, including tourism and creative industries; the need of interdisciplinary; the need to encourage cultural entrepreneurship, creativity and experimentation.Through an interrelated set of eight WPs, partners will jointly address the shortage of transversal & transferable and digital skills in the field of HERITAGE PROMOTION, VALORISATION, EXPLOITATION, MEDIATION & INTERPRETATION.
EUHerit project will focus on an experiential approach and will deploy a cross- sectoral and multidisciplinary methodology that will enhance the potentials of connecting the heritage sectors with other sectors, i.e. tourism, technology, Creative and Cultural industries, entrepreneurship & business.
EU HERITAGE is a wide transnational initiative bringing together 10 partners from 7 EU countries (IT, ES, EL, DE, MLT, RO, BE) forming a high quality balanced partnership.
The project will impact on the target group by:
- up-skilling and re-skilling the professionals working in the field of heritage promotion, valorization, exploitation, mediation and interpretation;
- integrate in a unique training offer for the heritage related workforce competences useful to make their work more connected (also digitally), organized, able to engage local communities and other sectors;
- provide skills to fill the perceived gaps making the managers of cultural heritage sites able to promote and valorize cultural heritage through more entrepreneurial, better organized, more sustainable, more audience centered and digital activities
The project will impact the wider stakeholders by:
- filling the deficit in cultural heritage skills need to cope with specialized demand from the market and digital transformation;
- helping the sector react to the new demands coming from new audiences;
- helping the sector to find the best way to propose and implement new uses of cultural heritage and catch new ICTs related opportunities
- helping the sector cross-fertilize with other sectors (tourism, creativity, arts) in order to answer to an increased demand for personalized experiences.
Project Outcomes
The project aims at:
- enhance the innovation of the CH sector to make it more sustainable, accessible, audience centered, digitally ready, thus more competitive, resilient and able to cope with the challenges which are affecting the sector;
- build a strong Sector Skills Alliance for the promotion and valorisation of CH by working on the skills of heritage professionals and with the goal of avoiding a mismatch between the new sector’s needs and the professional skills of heritage professionals, thus:
- mainstreaming digital, entrepreneurial and other transferrable / transversal and soft skills within heritage skills provision;
- stimulate the creation of “hybrid” professionals who can are able to evaluate and exploit the opportunities offered by the digital and by the cross-fertilization of cultural heritage with other sectors and disciplines;
- foster the cooperation of the CH sector with other sectors and industries, in particular technology, tourism, SMEs, and Creative and Cultural industries, to allow further scope for creativity, innovation and sustainability.
To achieve its aims, the project will:
- define a set of skills needed in the CH sector drawing on partner research and on the strengths and wide experience of the consortium in research, needs analysis and training;
- develop European occupational core profiles for professionals employed in the field of promotion, valorisation, exploitation, mediation and interpretation of CH (level 6 EQF);
- design an innovative and needs-oriented training course which integrate several sector-specific and transversal skills, including digital, entrepreneurial, and soft skills.
- create an e-learning platforms under Creative Commons licenses and Open Educational Resources;
- integrate the materials into partner teaching or training activities, and mainstream the insights and the materials produced to the CH, culture and tourism sectors across Europe.
