Title INclusive TOURism professions. European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff
Acronym IN-TOUR
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 612643-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA
Start – End Date 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
Duration 36 months
Action Key Action 2: Sector Skills Alliance – Design and Delivery of VET
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €999.961,00
Project Homepage
Status Ongoing
The IN-TOUR project aims to cover the gap in the European Vocational Education and Training related to accessible and inclusive tourism.
“Accessible tourism is about making it easy for everyone to enjoy tourism experiences. Making tourism more accessible is not only a social responsibility – there is also a compelling business case for improving accessibility as it can boost the competitiveness of tourism in Europe.” source
Based on this statement and considering that studies conducted by the European Commission have highlighted a significant gap in the supply of accessible services, estimating that at least an additional 1.2 million tourism enterprises will need to provide accessible services to meet future demand, the conclusion is that there’s a strong need for quality education and training on this subject.
Project Outcomes
The main outcomes of IN-TOUR are:
- Specification of the gaps in skills and competences by connecting directly the demand with representatives of tourism industries and entrepreneurs and by analyzing the good practices already developed;
- Two (2) occupational profiles (according to ESCO definition):
- Inclusive Tourism Manager (ITM);
- Inclusive Tourism Frontline Staff (ITFS);
- Two (2) European Curricula in the accessible tourism sector, at EQF 6 and 7 level for ITM and EQF 5 level for ITFS;
- Flexible and modular blended course for both curricula which will include a MOOC, face-to-face sessions in classroom and work-based learning sessions;
- Local pilots of the courses in Italy, Greece and Germany.
The EU Curricula will be localized in Italian, Greek and German and will be defined in a flexible and modular way in order to provide a general reference European model which could be implemented in each EU Member State.
