Title MU.SA International Community Activators
Acronym MICA
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2021-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000032870
Start – End Date 7/11/2021 – 07/11/2022
Duration 12 months
Action KA2: Strategic Partnership Projects
Funding Agency Erasmus+
Total Project Funding €60.000
Project Homepage https://micaproject.eu/
Status Completed
The MICA project aims to create a practical community of self professional education and self lifelong learning for Heritage professionals. The primary target group includes participants and partners of eCult Skills (Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci 2013/2015) and Mu.SA Museum Sector Alliance (Erasmus+/ Sector Skills Alliances 2017/2019). Innovative ways will improve single professionals’ skills through collaborative work cafés based on peer learning strategies. Focus of the activities will be “How to manage and engage an active community for Cultural Institutions”. For this purpose, young experts from different fields (e.g., Gaming, Comics, online entertainment etc.) will be invited to each session, in which engaging an active community through digital means is already a consolidated reality. The consortium considers an active community a group of people who share a digital space, common interests and goals.
The main aims of MICA are to:
- guarantee a wider age range in participants to activities;
- give a wider and multicultural approach to professional experience;
- fight cultural field isolation;
- avoid social, age, sex, economic barrier to access high level professional training;
- increase digital skills and new technologies access for participants.
Project Outcomes
The project will:
- 5 digital WORK CAFÉs on subjects of Heritage field [Wc1 Tools, Wc2 Cultural best practices, Wc3 other fields best practices, Wc4 Crowdfunding, Wc5 Guests]
- Communication strategy
- Community of participants through an online digital platform
- Project work activity per community at country level
- Crowdfunding campaign on a specific activity per community at country level.
Results and news will be posted on projects, social networks and other digital platforms. Every activity will be implemented in an online environment, avoiding any mobility impact and drastically reducing project CO2 emissions, plastic and paper wastes.
