Title Neet prevention in Educational systems through positive Future vision Enhancing Learning and teacher Education
Acronym NEFELE
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000031136
Start – End Date 01/12/2021 – 31/05/2024
Duration 30 months
Action KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €375.000
Project Homepage n/a
Status Ongoing
NEFELE aims to model new and innovative teaching methodologies for middle school pre-service teachers who can be useful in supporting career construction and a positive vision of the future for adolescents. Providing them with a space to metaphorically look at and shape.Teachers can act as the scaffolder for the career construction of adolescents. Through teaching, teachers can progressively help pupils to think of themselves as working adults by developing a positive image of the future. In fact, they are called to help individuals to enhance those necessary skills to promote flexibility and adaptability and help adolescents to increase their own personal interests. The middle school is the period that the adolescents start to think and plan their own future, and then make choices concern the whole educational future and then career paths. The NEFELE project will therefore train teachers who can, through their teaching, impact on adolescents, the final users of the project. NEFELE project aims to reach the objectives with a 30-months project that involves a developed learning platform and methodologies, including manipulative technologies such as Tangible User Interfaces, gamification and online courses (MOOCs).
The main outcomes of NEFELE are to:
- train pre-service teachers who can act to prevent the NEET phenomenon by supporting earlier the development of vocational identity by promoting hope and optimism in the vision of the path of construction of future career plans.
- model new and innovative teaching methodologies for middle school pre-service teachers who can be useful in supporting career construction and a positive vision of the future.
Project Outcomes
- Creation of a handbook that will contain an innovative framework for teachers which will include the Career Development Framework, the Positive Youth Development Framework and the TUIs-Tangible User Interfaces
- Development of MOOC
- Creation of NEFELE BOX
- Creation of NEFELE Platform (the platform will share all the content of the project)
Results and news will be posted on projects, social networks and other digital platforms.
