Title Partnerships for Lifelong Learning in Engineering and Technology
Acronym P4LLL-Tec
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002283
Start – End Date 01/09/2015 – 31/10/2017
Duration 26 months
Action KA2 / Strategic Partnerships in adult education and training
Funding Agency ΝΑΒΙΒΒ
Total Project Funding
Project Homepage https://www.p4llltec.uni-bremen.de/
Status Completed
P4LLL-Tec was a project that related to two different models of cooperation between actors in vocational and higher education aiming at providing consistent and permeable educational pathways from initial training up to higher educational levels. Within the frame of the project integrated learning opportunities as well as bridging programmes have analysed in 5 European Countries: Germany, Greece, Ireland. Latvia and Spain.
The aim of the project was the (comparative) study of the respective conditions and designs of partnership programmes in technical occupations as well as their impact on a successful entry into the labour market and the development of vocational identity of learners.
Project Outcomes
The aim of the project was to study the conditions and designs of integrated education and bridging programs in technical occupations as well as their impact on a successful entry into the labour market as well as the development of vocational identity of learners. The project seeked for general conclusions in the respective national context and in a European perspective. Future programs can benefit from the experiences made and documented in cases of best practice.
The project produced the following outcomes:
- A comparative analysis of national strategies and expert’s estimations on integrated learning opportunities and bridging programmes (IO1) Summary
- A comparative analysis of cases of apparent good practice in partner countries (IO2) Summary
- A quantitative commitment study; target group: learners (IO3) Summary
- A quantitative impact analysis; target group: employers (IO4) Summary
- Quality guide – lessons learned from apparent good practice (IO5) Quality Guides