Title REthinkin EDUcation COmpetencies. Expertise, best practices and teaching in Digital Era
Acronym RE-EDUCO
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2020-1-IT02-KA201-079433
Start – End Date 01/09/2020 – 30/06/2023
Duration 34 months
Action KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education
Funding Agency National Agency Erasmus + Indire
Total Project Funding €330.830,00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
REthinking EDUcation COmpetencies. Expertise REthinking EDUcation COmpetencies. Expertise, best practices and teaching in Digital Era (RE-EDUCO) will encourage the production, experimentation and sharing of new approaches and training methods in the field of digital culture. It enhances the role of digital culture as a means of improving the possibilities for growth and exchange, widening the choices for young people in private and professional life.
Considering this complex framework, the project was born from the need to produce and test, at a transnational level, a range of methodologies and best practices to improve the skills of students and teachers and encourage them to embrace digital innovation in their lives, career opportunities and educational environments. To achieve this the project will:
- provide Institutions, students and innovative sectors with a framework to better understand the potential digital technologies have to offer;
- encourage the cooperation and strengthening of partnerships between training institutions, research centres and businesses;
- offer students and teachers the opportunity to increase their digital skills, through collaboration with digital companies and participation in creative active learning;
- promote, the development of new learning paths and pedagogical approaches amongst teachers
- encourage the sharing of material and ideas through the promotion of an international community;
- share best practices for the dissemination of digital culture, and integrated new educational approaches;
- provide policymakers with a framework of information and data, useful for leading their strategies and policies towards a more informed and people-oriented digital culture.
Project Outcomes
The main outcomes of the RE-EDUCO project will be:
- Needs analysis: Competence profiles update: perspective and impacts for the future digital society
- Seminars and training sessions with students to empower their digital skills
- Activities during the All Digital Week across Europe with online and offline events tackling digital transformation
- An Open Online Digital Education/Virtual training for Excellence in teaching, learning and skills development to promote quality teaching.
- An International Alliance 4 Digital challenge Community
- A school Contest for digital innovation and start-ups ideas
- Laboratories and methodologies on innovative learning teaching
- Learning/teaching/training material for Active Learning for digital innovation
- Methodologies and Guidelines for non formal learning methods
- RE-EDUCO Final conference
- RE-EDUCO Youtube channel)
