Title Refugees’ Economic Integration through Social Entrepreneurship
Programme INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION
Project Number 1221
Start – End Date 01/02/2021 – 31/01/2023
Duration 24 months
Action Innovative and smart region – Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area
Funding Agency INTERREG
Total Project Funding 2.049.370,00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
REInSER brings together 8 project partners from academia, business support organisations and local authorities gathering different expertise, knowledges and skills in six countries of the ADRION area, namely, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, BiH, Serbia and Croatia. The project aims at tapping the potential of networking and knowledge transfer of transnational as well as cross-sectional cooperation of key stakeholders; the project strategic partnership is striving to find a sustainable solution for the pressing issue of refugees and asylum seekers. The main objective of REInSER is to improve their economic, and consequently wider, integration in host societies of ADRION programme area by using approaches of social economy and in particular social entrepreneurship. The long-term objective is to enhance possibilities for refugees to become active economic actors and agents of their own integration in given host society on one hand and to contribute to the local and regional sustainable economic development by generating employment and supporting the creation of new social responsible businesses on the other hand.
REInSER main outputs involve:
- the creation of an innovative transnational cooperation network which will bring together national, regional and local governments, governmental bodies, NGOs, social entrepreneurs, academics and refugees in a common programme as the first of its kind in ADRION region. Additionally, transnational exchange of knowledge from study trips, gathered best practices and experimental social ecosystem will be established through pilot actions and the insights from their evaluation, as well as the introduction of social innovation approaches supported by a broad range of local stakeholders. This will generate possibilities for acquisition of long-term competencies of direct and indirect beneficiaries; and enable
- to prepare holistic transnational strategy and action plan for successful integration of refugees in host societies’ economies.
Project Outcomes
- Enhancement of the competencies/skills of the stakeholders and involved parties connected through the innovative transnational cooperation network
- Mobilisation of stakeholders in the fields of social research, social innovation and socio-economic inclusion of refugees in order to increase knowledge transfer between business, users, academia and administration
- Better coordinated innovation policies and strategies in the field of economic inclusion of refugees using social entrepreneurship and other approach of social innovation
