Title MSc course in STEAM education
Acronym STEAMedu
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 618996-EPP-1-2020-1-BA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Start – End Date 05/01/2021 – 14/01/2023
Duration 24 months
Action KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices/Capacity Building in Higher Education
Funding Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Total Project Funding €998.813,00
Project Homepage
Status Ongoing
The aim is to provide practical solutions to help close the gap between industry needs/expectations and educational system outputs, by creating a STE(A)M education master programme. The later will train in-service and future educators at all levels of education to implement STEAM-related courses in the target countries. Innovative learning material and services will be also developed offering educators a multidisciplinary perspective and participating universities the chance to exchange best practises, modernize, renew and align their curricula towards multidisciplinary skills and competencies necessary for rapidly changing job markets.
In this context, the consortium will transfer significant know how from the European Educational System that will be used by the partner country Institutions to design an advanced MSc Curriculum for STE(A)M education. The absence of such a degree makes the need for its design and introduction pressing and the consortium envisages that this effort will spearhead similar endeavors in other Western Balkan countries. The Master’s Programme combines the diversity of expertise of leading European Universities and offers education oriented to a multidisciplinary understanding through the involvement of experts from complementary fields.
This MSc programme focuses on enhancing future and in-service educators, in order to:
- develop a broad theoretical base reflecting current cutting edge research in STE(A)M education
- comprehend and demonstrate specialised knowledge and skills in cross-disciplinary approaches
- choose and use appropriate methods for active learning while teaching STE(A)M
- design, develop and evaluate curricula and materials for STE(A)M-related courses
- gain knowledge and skills to solve complex workplace problems and find flexible, intelligent, innovative solutions at the professional level
- identify, design and implement effective STE(A)M-related training and development programmes
Project Outcomes
The specific project objectives are to:
- Develop new specialized curriculum and an innovative MSc programme on STE(A)M education
- Establish viable synergies and links with the STEM and non-STEM HEIs departments
- Reinforce the infrastructure of the Partner Counties’ HEIs by establishing STE(A)M Laboratories
- Reinforce the capacity of the Partner Countries’ HEIs by training their academic staff in the new courses and appropriate delivery methods
- Stimulate greater human connectivity through the exchange of students and staff, which is enabled through global and regional networks, and consortium of higher education institutions
