Title Training the Educators to facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the use of Serious Games
Acronym TEGA
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2020-1-UK01-KA203-079248
Start – End Date 19/10/2020 – 18/04/2023
Duration 30 months
Action Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding 374.938,00
Project Homepage https://www.tega-project.eu/
Status Completed
The TEGA project aims to enable a more inclusive Higher Education system which will promote and reward excellence in teaching and students’ skills development.
The project objective is to promote game-based learning based on extensive best practices from experts in the industry. It intends to support the needs of students during the learning process in acquiring key skills such as critical thinking, cooperation, team spirit, as well as innovative and analytical thinking.
Therefore, applying game-based teaching in education, alongside the support of a community of practice among professionals, will enable the educators to be more effective in their jobs and have life-long improvement in their skills.
TEGA is bringing Higher Education professionals together to be trained to design and deliver the teaching materials that will lead to a positive learning experience for all types of VARK (Visual, Audio, Reading and Kinaesthetic) learners despite their differences in learning styles.
Project Outcomes
The main outcomes of TEGA are:
- The Best Practices guide on European game-based teaching. This report will include materials, resources, research and documented case studies of game-based approaches to teaching. It will describe the challenges experts were facing during implementation of the practice and an articulated set of advice on how to confront the above challenges.
- The TEGA Methodological Guide for creating and implementing gamified learning activities. This guide will include information required for educators to create and implement the game-based learning activities in their specific contexts. After validation of the guide directly by users and participants, a high quality and high impact teaching methodology will be developed.
- The TEGA online course, a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), with an assessment system, aiming to capacitate anyone attending the course to successfully implement game-based learning and assessment activities in their professional lives.
- The TEGA Community of Practice online platform, an open online service that will facilitate the creation of the EU Network of Practitioners of TEGA game-based teaching. It will contain resources management, users’ communication and evaluation, documentation and will be continuously enriched with new content.
