Title WorkingSmart – Smart working and Open Learning
Acronym WorkingSmart
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000025901
Start – End Date 01/11/2021 – 31/10/2023
Duration 24 months
Action Key Action 2: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding 290.385,00 EUR
Project Homepage n/a
Status Ongoing
The WorkingSmart project aims to broaden the skill set of Human Resource managers in public and private organizations, including owners and managers in micro and small companies, and empower them to be capable of creating environments conducive to smart working.
The project will also enhance the management of diversity within and amongst organizations across Europe, promote the values and remove the risks associated with remote working, develop innovative training methods and content. It will strengthen synergies between business and education.
More specifically, the WorkingSmart project will enhance the digital skills necessary to improve professional performance as dealt with by the EU DigComp Framework, such as communication and collaboration, safety and problem-solving skills. Regarding the entrepreneurial skills, including creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, the project will exploit the EU EntreComp Framework.
WorkingSmart offers people the opportunity to learn at any stage in life and targets both skilled professionals as well as less experienced workers, ensuring their upskilling and respecting the equal rights and opportunities for all genders.
Project Outcomes
The main outcomes of WorkingSmart are the following:
- Professional profile. Partners will define the skills and competencies needed by Smart Working Managers and Advisors capable of creating environments suitable for implementing effective and successful smart working processes and plans. A professional profile will be developed and delivered as an open resource that has effectively framed gaps and needs of managers dealing with emerging organizational and cultural challenges brought about by smart working.
- Virtual platform that will support the managers and professionals’ community allowing them to access educational resources, networking opportunities and shared knowledge and experiences. It will act as a point of reference for professionals and employers seeking to use innovative approaches to their business and organizational processes, including VET learners and trainers willing to specialize in this methodology.
- Training package. Partners will develop a learning model including the Methodology, the Facilitator’s Handbook to be used by partners/stakeholders throughout the training and piloting action, and the Training Kit supporting the learning process. The learning model will also include an assessment tool, helping further monitor how professionals become more competent and confident. The training offer will allow a two-fold qualification: A) Fully ICT-based training course, and B) Game-based learning within digitized working life scenarios.
