Title Safeguarding Intangible and culturaL Values and HERitage
Acronym S.I.L.V.HER
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048412
Start – End Date 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020
Duration 24 months
Action Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €299.965,00
Project Homepage http://www.silvher.eu/
Status Completed
Cultural heritage is a significant force for 21st century Europe. Traditionally, understood in terms of tourism, it improves economic performance and contributes positively to the European GDP. It can be considered an innovative stimulus for growth and employment in a wide range of new sectors as well as traditional ones.
In accordance with the latest European policies, the project aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of Information Technologies for applications in the areas of safeguarding, promotion and protection of Cultural Heritage.
The project Safeguarding Intangible and culturaL Values and HERitage (S.I.L.V.HER) connects 5 partners coming from Italy, Greece, Portugal and Turkey, under one goal, which is to develop a blended course on Cultural Heritage.
S.I.L.V.HER training path includes this digital tool, not only as a means of learning, but also and above all as a future means of developing a strategic sector that will support a process of European identity recognition.
The blended, or mixed, course will be divided into two types of activities: Online training and transnational mobility as face-to-face training sessions.
This course will include three 80-hours modules:
- Management of cultural projects;
- Digital storytelling of intangible cultural heritage;
- Augmented and virtual reality in the cultural sector.
A special call for the aspiring cultural entrepreneurs, who aim to create their own cultural projects aimed at cultural heritage digital valorization, will be launched. The participants will be chosen based on their motivation and project idea, and then they will benefit the path of the blended interactive course to enhance their skills in cultural projects management, digital storytelling of intangible cultural heritage, augmented and virtual reality in the cultural sector.
Project Outcomes
The outcomes of S.I.L.V.HER project are:
- Blended course on Cultural Heritage, which includes the development of all training activities and digital educational content regarding cultural projects management, digital storytelling of intangible cultural heritage, augmented and virtual reality in the cultural sector.
- Learning Platform on Cultural Heritage in Augmented Reality, which will host the online training activities and the digital educational content of the course. In addition, the platform aims to support the establishment of a community of practice at EU level on the digital exploitation of intangible heritage as well as being a showcase for local and regional initiatives carried out by Higher Education students in collaboration with stakeholders.
