Title Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions
Acronym TACKLE
Programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union
Project Number JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/DISC/9507
Start – End Date 05/12/2016 – 04/12/2018
Duration 24 months
Action JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/DISC: Action grants to support national or transnational projects on nondiscrimination and Roma integration
Funding Agency DG JUSTICE – European Commission
Total Project Funding €282,331.51
Project Homepage http://ekke.gr/ocd/
Status Completed
The problems of combating discrimination in EU member states constitute a key part of social policy actions and have been at the center of political dialogue in recent years. The project combines research activities with social intervention and actions to raise networking and awareness (networking workshops for stakeholders, organization of info-days and festivals) of the general public in the fight against discrimination and stereotypes.
The project target groups include members of social vulnerable groups that face at least one of the following five grounds of discrimination: Racial or ethnic origin (Immigrants – Roma), Disability, Age (Older and younger people/ age discrimination), religious or other beliefs, Sexual orientation (LGBTI), Gender dimension of discrimination: horizontally in all groups.
The project consists of the following WPs:
- WS0: Management and Coordination of the Project”
- WS1: Qualitative and quantitative research on multiple discriminated groups
- WS2: Promoting changes in administrative practices and mutual learning processes among stakeholders
- WS3: Raising awareness of multiple discrimination among policy makers, service providers and citizens
- WS4: Project Evaluation
Project Outcomes
- The exploration and categorization of multiple discrimination
- The development of a theoretical framework, and a methodological approach on multiple discrimination
- The active participation of project’s target groups to the exploration of their situation, to the proposition of solutions, and the awareness of support organisations
- Legislative changes and extensions on (multiple) discrimination laws
- The gradual change of the existing misconceptions and prejudices in public administration, and the improvement of the public authorities’ services towards multiple discriminated groups
- The development of better relationships between public/private sector and groups of multiple discrimination defusing tensions and promoting the benefits of equal rights by building understanding through interaction and networking.
The project implementation included the following:
- the organization of three workshops benefiting networking with local stakeholders (Athens, Heraklion-Crete, Patras) and the conduction of a related report about their results
- the conduction of a booklet about law coding and propositions for legislative changes regarding the anti-discrimination policy in Greece (European dimension included)
- completion of two peer reviews on related topics
- awareness of public officers through round table training event (Athens) and creation of related training material to be exploited for future similar actions
- organization of info-days and festivals targeting the sensitization of the general public (Athens, Heraklion-Crete, Patras)
- Production and dissemination of an information manual for public administration on issues of multiple discrimination
- Organization of a national closing conference for promoting the project results (Athens)
