Title Videogames 4 Teachers
Acronym V4T
Programme Erasmus+
Project Number 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038370
Start – End Date 1/11/2017 – 31/10/2019
Duration 24 months
Action Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €234.508,00
Project Homepage https://v4t.pixel-online.org
Status Completed
When launching the 2013 Communication Opening up Education the Commission highlighted that, despite many investments and initiatives in the field, between 50% and 80% of students in EU countries never use digital textbooks, exercise software, broadcasts/podcasts, simulations or learning games as tools to learn. Furthermore school teachers do not consider themselves as ‘digitally confident’ or able to teach using digital solutions at their full potential.
The project partnership involves 5 higher education institutions and 2 teachers training associations, all with a strong experience in preparing teachers of the future. Through their experiences they have identified in Videogames and Apps the two aspects in which there is the highest gap between the existing and potential educational added value and the capacities of teachers to make full use of it.
The objectives of the V4T project are:
- Investigate the state of art as far as educational videogames are concerned, analyzing their characteristics and technical solutions, as well as their didactic potential.
- Explore in depth the methodological, pedagogical and also skills and competences assessment aspect of the use of videogames and apps for educational purposes.
- Provide future teachers with a comprehensive reflection on the innovation of didactic methods through the use of videogames and apps for mobiles, and on the issues related to the assessment of competences, skills and knowledge according to the principles of the ECVET and ECTS systems, applying them to educational Videogames.
- Provide future teachers with the basic knowledge of programming languages in order to make them autonomous in developing educational videogames and apps for mobile.
The project will be implemented in Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Lithuania and directly address:
- Higher education lecturers in Faculties of Education
- Future teachers
Project Outcomes
The outcomes of V4T project are:
- Repository of videogames and mobile apps designed either for educational purpose or have a clear and strong educational potential
- Guide for future teachers on how to use videogames and apps for educational purpose
- Online training package to introduce future teachers to the main programming languages used to develop videogames, web games and apps
