Title Migrant Women Empowerment and Integration
Acronym WEMIN
Programme AMIF-2016-AG-INTE-01
Project Number 776211
Start – End Date 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019
Duration 24 months
Action AMIF-AG
Funding Agency Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, HOME/E/01
Total Project Funding €739,175.10
Project Homepage http://www.wemin-project.eu/
Status Completed
The WEMIN project (Migrant Women Empowerment and Integration) aims to implement and promote a comprehensive integration model for migrant/refugee women (MRW). Through direct interventions in women populations and through experience-sharing among partners social, cultural, educational and professional aspects of inclusion will be addressed and active participation will be achieved.
Project Outcomes
The project’s specific objectives are to:
- Prepare social inclusion through the acquisition of linguistic skills and cultural awareness
- Empower MRW in supporting their families’ integration in the educational system of the host country
- Empower MRW through information on the rights and roles of women in the host societies, as well as on available support structures
- Facilitate active participation of MRW through mentoring on opportunities in education, volunteerism, and work
- Promote peer learning among migrant women and institutions through the creation of a community and use of an online platform
- Promote direct interaction and sociocultural exchange with the local society through common activities, thus challenging stereotypes
- Transfer good practices within the partnership countries
- Disseminate good practices in MRW integration both inside and outside the partnership countries
The WEMIN project includes the following WorkPakages (WPs):
- WP1: Selection and uptake of good practices
- WP2: Community development and awareness raising
- WP3: Development of skills essential for social inclusion
- WP4: Empowerment and mentoring
- WP5: Common activities with members of the local society in crafts and culture
- WP6: Peer learning and sustainability
The WEMIN long term impact envisaged is to empower MRW women to participate actively and competently in the host societies’ sociocultural life, while large numbers of stakeholders will gain access to relevant tools and practices, within and outside the partnership countries, thus enhancing capacity building. The online platform to be developed will be maintained even after the project completion, so that to be a long-term tool for exchange and learning.
The project’s immediate beneficiaries will be the direct participants in the activities. In medium and long term, benefits will extend to their families and immediate circles, as they are expected to be supported and empowered in turn. Institutions involved in peer learning and dissemination activities will benefit from experience-sharing. All local communities where the project’s activities will be implemented will benefit from increased social cohesion and more active participation of their vulnerable yet resourceful members.
