Title YouBrand – Storytelling and Pitching for Start-ups
Acronym WEMIN
Programme Erasmus +
Project Number 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038849
Start – End Date 31/12/2017 – 30/12/2019
Duration 24 months
Action KA2- Cooperation for innovation and good practices, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education, Strategic Partnerships for Innovation
Funding Agency European Commission
Total Project Funding €190.249,00
Project Homepage
Status Completed
Since 2016 entrepreneurship has been defined as one of 8 key competences by EP (18.12.2006) in lifelong learning process school education faced a lot of pressure and changes in terms of teaching programme in entrepreneurship within basic education programme. All national activities were mainly focused on development suitable training material, supporting tools for teachers in secondary, high VET schools as well as universities. A lot of activities were preformed at national and international level (also in EU project) – like online games, online trainings etc. to enhance entrepreneurial spirit of youngsters.
What is missing now is a new approach to adult and their entrepreneurship skills.
Adult learners represent group of unemployed, excluded groups, often with not very good educational background. Even if they are ready to run their own business they do not have as good ICT, social skills as younger EU citizens. The YouBrand project will support the above-mentioned priorities:
Project Outcomes
The YouBrand project will support the above-mentioned priorities:
- defining and testing an innovative training model/curriculum for the development by disadvantaged people (unemployed- NEETs, at risk of social exclusion) of the following key competences: initiative and entrepreneurship, digital skills and creativity.
- defining and testing a train-the-trainers path aimed at introduce an innovative digital and web-based training model for the support of young aspiring entrepreneurs in their start-up paths.
- designing and implementing an online community for trainers aimed at sharing and implementing resources and information
The YouBrand project directly responds to EU policy documents and programmes fostering:
- entrepreneurship and start-up as a means to reduce unemployment and increase the EU competitiveness
- the improvement of entrepreneurial education
- the development of ITC competences
