Title Development and validation of a curriculum for vocational AAL education
Acronym engAGEnt
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number DE/12/LLP-LdV/TOI/147536
Start – End Date 01/10/2012 – 30/09/2014
Duration 24 months
Instrument / Type Transfer of innovation
Funding Agency EU-EACEA
Total Project Funding 287.195,13€
Project Homepage http://groupspaces.com/engAGEntproject/
Status Completed
In this project a harmonized European curriculum based on the principles of ECVET will be developed and validated that will qualify people for the job role of an AAL specialist or consultant. Those AAL consultants will have the knowledge, skills and competences for analyzing the living condition of an elderly subject, developing strategies and finally guiding people towards distinct improvements. People who have finished the curriculum are supposed to be able to discuss and implement solutions in order to meet very individualized needs (including technical knowhow as well as social skills).
The developed curriculum will be validated using a multicentric approach, possibly including students which take courses during a stay abroad. Last step will be a detailed learning outcome analysis.
Due to the demographic change, which is affecting all European countries similarly, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) sector is expected to grow rapidly, creating new jobs for qualified employees Europewide. Thus joint European strategies are needed in order to qualify people for these jobs.
This project will develop and evaluate a curriculum for vocational AAL education that will be based on EQF / ECVET principles to allow mobility and recognition between EU countries.
Project Outcomes
Specific objectives:
- European curriculum for vocational AAL expert education in compliance with the principles of ECVET (i.e. description by learning units, learning outcomes and attribution of ECVET credit points).
- Memorandum of Understanding between competent bodies in the VET sector of the participating countries that agree upon common assessment, validation and recognition procedures in line with ECVET.
- Multicentric validation of the developed curriculum by pilot trainings including the accomplishment of certain learning units abroad in different EU countries (in combination with a LdV mobility project).