Title Sustainable Energy Management @ Schools in Europe
Programme Erasmus +
Project Number 2014-1-ΙΤ01-ΚΑ200-002664
Start – End Date 01-09-2014 – 31-08-2017
Duration 36 months
Action Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Funding Agency EU – Agenzia Nazionale LLP – Programma Settoriale Leonardo da Vinci – ISFOL
Total Project Funding 450.000 €
Project Homepage
Status Completed
In the Europe 2020 Strategy, the European Union establishes as a priority a sustainable growth and a competitive economy based on emission reduction and the creation of new skills. The green development is an aim shared by all the EU political ideologies, both on economic and social levels, together with education and training, hence the growing request for educational programmes aiming at the development of new competences.
In the perspective of a post – financial crisis it becomes strategic at European level to provide instruments and measures to encourage the uptake of green jobs and stimulate young people to new employment prospects. The SEM@Schools project aims to contribute to this objective by focusing on two main areas, which are considered at the base of the green economy: energy and construction. According to a strategy based on the “learning-by-doing” the young participants in the project will have the opportunity to analyze, under the guidance of industry experts, the energy efficiency of their school buildings and define the consequent improvement strategies.
The project aims to promote the orientation of young people through an academic apprenticeship that helps the students to be in a position to increase their skills and to make them aware of the opportunities for employment related to the energy sector. The aim of the project is therefore to raise awareness about training facilities on the themes of the green economy and to train young people from different European countries on the new professional profiles related to the energy in the construction sector.
The project will involve 80 schools from 5 European countries: Italy, Latvia, Spain, Romania, UK, with 10,000 students informed, 1500 involved in the experimentation, and 200 teachers and 25 companies active in the energy sector.
Project Outcomes
The project will:
- Create an OER platform for energy management in school buildings
- Organize 15 workshops to promote the intelligent use of energy in school buildings
- Implement energy analysis (learning by doing) of 80 school buildings
- Transfer technologies and innovations in the field of upgrading the energy efficiency in the construction and implementation of the Plan of improvement of school buildings
- Organize information and training meetings with energy companies and ESCOs in the territory and the possibility for at least 15 students in each country
- Adapt and integrate educational content following the principles of Open Educational Resources in several European languages

HOU contact
Fax: +30 2610 367 738