Take Care
Title Take Care
Acronym Take Care
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number 2013-1-FR1-LEO05-48501
Start – End Date 01/10/2013 – 31/12/2015
Duration 27 months
Instrument / Type Multilateral Project for Transfer of innovation
Funding Agency European Union
Total Project Funding 294.227,00 €
Project Homepage http://www.takecare-project.eu/
Status Completed
The project Take Care will raise the competence level of professional groups, in the area of Health Care by developing a new professional profile endowed with innovative skills to enable them face the main difficulties affecting this sector, such as understaffing, high stress factors and high accident rates.
The project aims to enhance mobility of learners and professionals of the target sector.
Statistics shows that the need for qualified nurses will increase crucially in the next years. Nursing will be one of the biggest offer for employment. On the other hand studies show the difficulties nurses are actually confronted with. Most healthcare professionals in developed countries blame their malaise not on a shortage of the latest technology, or insufficient training, or poor work environments, but on factors such as understanding (42%), stress levels (39%), paperwork (32%), high levels of administrative work (32%), and poor management (31%).
Take Care will take up the problem of the shortage of skilled professionals in the specific area of health care related services at European level. It will analyse the training standards in the participating countries and provide EQF-based qualification descriptions (learning outcomes). The outcomes will be used to support the education system in the target sector. Social and civic competences are crucial for these professions, but also necessary in all parts of life.
All project partners will create a network with national institutions, while a competence oriented approach will allow mutual recognition of training and qualifications.
Project Outcomes
The Take Care project will develop:
- Innovative training material in three selected fields: Management, Health and Safety, Soft Skills;
- An e-handbook describing innovative management tools available in all partner languages;
- Innovative Health Service Certifications;
- European Qualification Framework of the Manager in the Health sector;
- National Specialization Seminars;
- Four (4) Newsletters;
- Final conference;