Title ECVET for Virtual Learning Professions
Acronym e-VIRTUE
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number 2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37880
Start – End Date 01/10/2013 – 30/09/2015
Duration 24 months
Instrument / Type Multilateral Project for Transfer of innovation
Funding Agency European Union
Total Project Funding 299.560,47 €
Project Homepage http://groupspaces.com/evirtue
Status Completed
The e-VIRTUE project will take an in-depth look at VL professions, such as learning technology strategist, virtual classroom facilitator, blended learning curriculum designer and develop European Role Profiles that are in compliance with the principles of the European metaframeworks EQF/e-CF and ECVET as well as Training Guidelines in the area of Virtual Learning.
eVIRTUE will provide comparable skills sets for Virtual learning professions, thus supporting the European labor market and the employability of professionals, contributing to one of the major challenges of Europe 2020. Role Profiles will be issued by the expert group of the project consortium in line with EQF and e-CF. National training frameworks will be taken in consideration in this process. Those Role Profiles, based on market needs, will be then evaluated by professionals in the VL sector before publication.
By this approach, the project will directly address three of the main issues covered by the initiative New Skills for New Jobs “Promote better anticipation of future skills needs, develop better matching between skills and labor market needs and bridge the gap between the worlds of education and work”.
e-VIRTUE will use the results of projects to develop tools that will ensure high accuracy of trainings in the VL field with market needs and contribute to the enhancement of the transparency and comparability of qualifications and competences in the VL sector.
The expected impact will be a refined methodology to map skills and competences to EQF/ECF, and to assign ECVET weigh and points to previously defined learning outcomes, characterized by the respective skills and competences.
Project Outcomes
The e-VIRTUE project will develop: