2013 |
Fragou, Olga; Kameas, Achilles Developing a User Oriented Design Methodology for Learning Activities Using Boundary Objects (Proceeding) Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. (Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Boundary Objects, communities of practice, Design Research, empirical research, Learning Design, participatory design) @proceedings{632, title = {Developing a User Oriented Design Methodology for Learning Activities Using Boundary Objects}, author = {Olga Fragou and Achilles Kameas}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-01-01}, journal = {International Conference e-Learning 2013 (IADIS 2013)}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, abstract = { International Standards in High and Open and Distance Education are used for developing Open Educational Resources (OERs). Current issues in e-learning community are the specification of learning chunks and the definition of describing designs for different units of learning (activities, units, courses) in a generic though expandable format. Developing educational content, courseware and pedagogical tools to support Subject Matter Experts in their educational practice is a challenging task for the Instructional Design Field. This papertextquoterights aim is to introduce a user oriented design methodology for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) activities orchestrating pedagogical tools so as to develop e-learning activities in Hellenic Open University (HOU) by the use of Boundary Objects (BOs). },keywords = {Boundary Objects, communities of practice, Design Research, empirical research, Learning Design, participatory design}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } <p style="text-align: justify;">International Standards in High and Open and Distance Education are used for developing Open Educational Resources (OERs). Current issues in e-learning community are the specification of learning chunks and the definition of describing designs for different units of learning (activities, units, courses) in a generic though expandable format. Developing educational content, courseware and pedagogical tools to support Subject Matter Experts in their educational practice is a challenging task for the Instructional Design Field. This papertextquoterights aim is to introduce a user oriented design methodology for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) activities orchestrating pedagogical tools so as to develop e-learning activities in Hellenic Open University (HOU) by the use of Boundary Objects (BOs).</p> |
Fragou, Olga; Hatzilygeroudis, Ioannis; Kalles, Dimitris; Likothanassis, Spiros Implementing Participatory Design for Developing a Constructivist E-Learning Activity (Proceeding) Chania, Greece, 2013. (Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: communities of practice, constructivism, empirical research, learning sequence, participatory design) @proceedings{631, title = {Implementing Participatory Design for Developing a Constructivist E-Learning Activity}, author = {Olga Fragou and Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis and Dimitris Kalles and Spiros Likothanassis}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-01-01}, journal = {24th European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering Annual Conference (EAEEIE 2013)}, address = {Chania, Greece}, abstract = { European Qualification Framework in Open and Distance Education highlights issues such as content and existing concepts reusability, orchestrating tools for learning, adaptability and learner –centrics themes in curricula. This paper reports on preliminary findings and the process of the design and development of an e-learning activity, based on characteristics of the constructivist approach: Instructional Design tools have been applied in a Focus Group research context using Learning Activity Management System. The basic idea has been to engage Hellenic Open University tutoring staff in the design of distance learning activities by making use of Communities of Practice (CoPs) practices, using their educational experience as a springboard to implement effective learning activities mediated by LAMS and facilitated by an Instructional Designer. The designed activity was actually implemented in a distance education setting, on undergraduate students of HOU in a senior undergraduate course on Artificial Intelligence at the School of Science and Technology, during the first semester of 2012-3. },keywords = {communities of practice, constructivism, empirical research, learning sequence, participatory design}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } <p style="text-align: justify;">European Qualification Framework in Open and Distance Education highlights issues such as content and existing concepts reusability, orchestrating tools for learning, adaptability and learner –centrics themes in curricula. This paper reports on preliminary findings and the process of the design and development of an e-learning activity, based on characteristics of the constructivist approach: Instructional Design tools have been applied in a Focus Group research context using Learning Activity Management System. The basic idea has been to engage Hellenic Open University tutoring staff in the design of distance learning activities by making use of Communities of Practice (CoPs) practices, using their educational experience as a springboard to implement effective learning activities mediated by LAMS and facilitated by an Instructional Designer. The designed activity was actually implemented in a distance education setting, on undergraduate students of HOU in a senior undergraduate course on Artificial Intelligence at the School of Science and Technology, during the first semester of 2012-3.</p> |
agents Ambient Assisted Living ambient intelligence Assessment communities of practice distance education Distance Learning E-learning Education Home Monitoring intelligent agents intuitionistic fuzzy sets learning activities Learning Design learning objects learning outcomes Lifelong learning ontologies Ontology Open and Distance Learning Protege Semantics Social Networking System stereotypes Ubiquitous computing Web Mashup εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση οντολογίες περιρρέουσα νοημοσύνη προγραμματισμός
2013 |
Developing a User Oriented Design Methodology for Learning Activities Using Boundary Objects (Proceeding) Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. |
Implementing Participatory Design for Developing a Constructivist E-Learning Activity (Proceeding) Chania, Greece, 2013. |