Title ProInterNet
Acronym PIN
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number 504025-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-LEONARDO-LNW
Start – End Date 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012
Duration 36 months
Instrument / Type Thematic Network
Funding Agency EU-EACEA
Total Project Funding 575.423 € (Funding Rate 75%)
Project Homepage,
Status Completed
PIN is a network project that will contribute to the main objectives of the Leonardo program as laid down in policy documents, starting with the Copenhagen process. In particular, its aim is to improve the transparency, information and guidance systems with regard to competence and qualifications at European level for Internet professions.
PIN will improve employability, reduce skills shortages on the EU labour market, improve the quality of VET and make VET in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) more transparent and comparable at European level. Thus, all target groups addressed by the network project will benefit. By continuously involving relevant stakeholders throughout the project phase, a true critical mass will be reached.
Project Outcomes
The outputs, results and products will be:
- Strong and lasting links between complementary institutions
- Normalized job profiles / qualifications / educational content definition processes
- A supporting web-based information exchange platform
- Recommendations to stakeholders
