Title Using social networking ICT tools with peer learning and crowdsourcing techniques to train school communities on how to deal with student bullying
Programme Erasmus +
Project Number 2014-1-EL01-KA200-001602
Start – End Date 01-09-2014 – 31-08-2016
Duration 24 months
Action Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Strategic Partnerships for school education
Funding Agency EU – State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)
Total Project Funding 252.727,00 €
Project Homepage
Social Networking platform
Status Completed
The school bullying phenomenon cannot be underestimated because its effects on the students and their families are devastating. It has become an epidemic in our society and this fact has prompted a variety of studies across Europe and globally. The main objective of the SONET-BULL project is to develop a training platform that will provide teachers, teacher trainers and other stakeholders with accredited training material on school bullying, and enable them share their experiences with peers. In this project, we propose to combine modern pedagogical approaches (eLearning and peer learning) with crowdsourcing and widely used technological means (Internet, social networking, mobiles) in order to provide timely and continuous support to the entire community of stakeholders in dealing with school bullying. To create the conditions of a serene learning and efficiently manage the problem of bullying, it is necessary to foster tight cooperation between all key stakeholders, to whom this project is addressed:
- Teachers;
- Teachers’ educators and trainers;
- School principals, counsellors and psychologists;
- Parents;
- Parent associations;
- Regional and local educational authorities;
Project Outcomes
The project aims to achieve the following concrete outcomes:
- Good practices, references, legal framework, case studies regarding bullying
- Definition of skills and competences required to deal with bullying
- Specification of learning outcomes and assessment criteria
- A peer learning methodology for dealing with school bullying
- Digital training content uploaded by stakeholders trained in the project
- A social networking peer learning platform
- A SONET-BULL Guide on future exploitation and viability
The DAISSy research group ( of the Hellenic Open University organizes the International Conference on Anti-Bullying Practices on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, during hours 9.30 – 17.00 at the AMALIA HOTEL, 10 Amalias Av., Athens (located opposite to the National Gardens).
The conference is organized in the context of the transnational project «SONET-BULL – Using ICT networking tools with peer learning and crowdsourcing to train school communities to counter student bullying» (, which is coordinated by HOU.
The Conference will present the project main outcomes: training outline, educational material, learning objects and online peer-learning results, as recorded on the platform, through individual or group projects. Emphasis will be given to the presentation of best practices and educational activities such as those implemented by teachers – members of the Network. The Conference will also discuss contemporary anti-bullying approaches and theories, as well as the exploitation prospects of project results.
The Conference is addressed to members of the educational community (directors of schools, teachers, parents), managers responsible for planning and implementation of educational policies (at Regional offices and School Divisions, School Counselors, persons responsible for scientific and educational guidance), mental health specialists, students and researchers in humanities fields and generally to any person interested in the issue of school bullying.
You can find more information about the conference here.