Title T-learning to Improve Professional Skills for intercultural dialogue
Acronym TIPS
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number 134119/LLP/2007/IT/LMP
Start – End Date 01/11/2007 – 31/10/2009
Duration 24 months
Instrument / Type Development of Innovation
Funding Agency EU-EACEA
Total Project Funding 388.415,25 € (Funding Rate 75%)
Project Homepage (inactive link)
Status Completed
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have declared 2008 as the “European Year of Intercultural Dialogue”. In this framework cultural mediators play a key role in the social integration process of immigrants.
TIPS project has realized an innovative training course based on T-learning methodology and by merging TV-learning, E-learning and M-learning. The training course has been addressed to people who were interested in working in the exciting new field of cultural mediation by providing practical skills and theoretical knowledge.
Project Outcomes
The main products of the project are :
- Comparative research conducted in five European countries focusing on cultural mediators’ training needs.
- The TV-learning platform, the M-learning platform and the E-learning platform.
- Different Learning Objects produced and tailored for each platform.