
DAISSy-HOU invites to taking part in the MOOC of the LEARN.INC project

logo-learnIncThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (Hellenic Open University) invites you to participate in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which is part of the European project Learning Incubator for Project-based Teaching and Training through Research (LEARN.INC) implemented by DAISSy as a Greek partner. Specifically, the MOOC of the LEARN.INC project is a modern course, aiming at promoting innovation in teaching and learning. By promoting cross-institutional collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking beyond traditional academic boundaries, the LEARN.INC project seeks to inspire, gather feedback and gain validation from local communities and stakeholders.

In particular, the online MOOC platform was designed and developed by DAISSy-HOU in English. Similarly, the learning content of the MOOC is offered in English, and is organized into three (3) training modules, that host e-learning courses developed in response to societal challenges and using the “challenge-based learning” (CBL) approach.

Specifically, the learning content of the LEARN.INC MOOC consists of various types [e.g. Open Educational Resources (OERs), lectures, video scripts, presentations, reading material], collected and developed in order to enhance collaboration among learners, as well as learning through forums and discussions. It is noteworthy, that the trainees have the opportunity to assess their progress at the end of each training module, by using short quizzes.

More precisely, regarding the LEARN.INC MOOC:

  • It starts on Monday, January 13, 2025, has a total duration of four (4) weeks and is available until Sunday, February 9, 2025.
  • It is offered free of charge and is open to anyone interested in it,
  • Registration is compulsory and can be done by submitting the relevant form.

It is noteworthy that the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU is actively involved in all the deliverables of the LEARN.INC project, being responsible for the development of the “OPENARC-Open Access Archive of Digital Courses” methodology regarding the creation and implementation of an open access digital archive, including the LEARN.INC platform as well as the Massive Open Online Courses in video format.

Taking into account, DAISSy-HOU’s longterm experience, among others, in the development of MOOCs, the Research Group has worked intensively to provide a modern educational tool to any interested party.

LEARN.INC is a three-year project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from four (4) countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU as the Greek partner.

For more information on the LEARN.INC project and other activities of DAISSy:

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