On Friday, June 26, 2020, from 11:00’ to 14:15’, DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) successfully held the II Multistakeholder Working Group online meeting in the framework of the project “MILE – Migrants Integration in the Labour Market in Europe”.
A significant number of organizations attended the meeting from various sectors, including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Research Centers, Universities, Employers’ Associations, Municipalities, etc. Speakers to the meeting have been representatives from the following bodies: UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency, National Center for Social Research (EKKE), UNICEF Greece, METAdrasi, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Office in Greece, Jobcenter of the Municipality of Athens, IME GSEVEE: Small Enterprises’ Institute of of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (Greece).
At the beginning of the meeting, the objectives and the specific purpose of the project “MILE” and of the Multistakeholder Working Groups taking place in its framework were presented. Specifically, its significance and direct relationship with the axes of employment and integration – social participation were underlined. Following, the participants made their presentations and interventions covering topics such as: current employer needs, refugee / migrant educational needs and challenges / problems / opportunities during the period before and after the Covid-19 pandemic.
The discussion evolved around the three (3) MILE Multistakeholder Working Group main themes, specifically:
- Training methods and tools for integrating immigrants into the labor market
- Social and individual support for the involvement and continuous assistance of immigrants upon entering the labor market
- Needs of employers and long-term support strategies
The presentations were followed by the introduction from DAISSy/ HOU of MILE planned next activities for Greece, including the soft and technical skills training, which rose the interest of the participants for further collaborations in its framework. Furthermore, the MILE “DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE: CHALLENGES AND BENEFITS OF THE INCLUSION OF THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS” Handbook for employers had been also presented.
The meeting was concluded with further discussion of the speakers and other attendees. An attempt was made to record future moves and practices, and the significance of keep having MILE Multistakeholder WG meetings on a permanent basis has been agreed by all participants. The original agenda had to be expanded and instead of 11:00’ – 13:00’, the meeting was afterall finalized at 14:15’ with the active involvement of all participants.
For more information regarding MILE project and other DAISSy activities: