
Call for participation in the 2nd Online Training Course and Mentoring Opportunities on the DigComp Framework, by DAISSy-HOU

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU)  invites you to join the 2nd edition of the Online Pilot Training Course and Mentoring Opportunities on the DigComp Framework”, which is part of the implementation of the “DigComp HUB” European project, currently undergoing by the DAISSy-HOU as the Greek partner and starts on Monday 29th April 2024.

More precisely, the training course is delivered as a MOOC and offers an excellent, publicly accessible opportunity to delve into the DigComp framework and its applications in adult education and beyond. The course begins with two introductory modules that cover the origins, features, and typical uses of the DigComp framework. Subsequent modules provide practical insights into how the DigComp framework can be effectively utilized in adult education. These include methods for identifying users’ training needs, curriculum development, didactic design, and the assessment and recognition of learning outcomes.

It is noteworthy that:

  • The training course is provided free of charge, is delivered in English and it is open to all.
  • It includes 12-14 hours of training that are self-managed by the participants (tutors are available on request).
  • It starts on Monday 29th April 2024 and ends on Monday 27th May 2024.
  • It is offered through the ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY platform and obtaining an account is necessary, by simply accessing the link: https://platform.alldigitalacademy.eu/registration/
  • The registration to the course is available, by filling in the respective form, [here].
  • A Certificate of Completion is provided to the participants, who complete the course successfully.

Furthermore, the training is accompanied by mentoring activities which will be implemented after the end of the course, in small groups managed by the project partners and regarding topics addressed within the course and based on the needs of the trainees. A related announcement will be discussed during the training, so that the objectives and content of the mentoring activities are clarified, as well as the way to take part in them. Those trainees who wish to be involved in this valuable, additional activity of the “DigComp HUB” project, provided also free of charge, may express their interest before the end of the course.

The “DigComp HUB” is a two-year project, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program. It is implemented by a consortium of four (4) partners from three (3) EU member states (Belgium, Greece, and Italy), with the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, as the Greek partner.




For more information about the DigComp HUB project and other activities of the DAISSy-HOU:


DAISSy-HOU organized and participated in the 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the “DigComp HUB” project, in Athens (Greece)

On November 23rd and 24th, 2023, the 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the ‘DigComp HUB‘ European project took place, which was organized by the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the Greek project partner, and was hosted at the educational institution’s facilities in Athens (Greece).

The DigComp HUB project aims to support and involve educators in the digital transformation of adult education in Europe, based on the widely accepted European DigComp Framework. In this context, the 2nd TPM served as a crucial milestone for the DigComp HUB project in the effort to develop digital skills necessary for every worker in the new professional landscape.

Indeed, the 2nd TPM was exceptionally successful, providing partners with the opportunity for in-depth discussions regarding the current status of the project and its smooth continuation. The common focal point of the discussions was the strong commitment of all partners to comprehensive adult education in the digital era and the expansion of the DigComp framework across Europe.

Specifically, there was extensive discussion on the professional development of adult educators, enabling them to transfer the necessary knowledge in a constantly evolving digital work environment. For this reason, particular emphasis was placed on the design of the educational program outlined in the context of DigComp Hub, targeting lifelong learning educators and providing training for partners who will participate as instructors in the program.

The DAISSy Research Group organized the 2nd TPM and was represented by Professor Achilles Kameas, Director of DAISSy, Ms. Natalia Spyropoulou, Project Manager and Researcher at DAISSy, Ms. Rozalia Kalantzi and Mr. Gerasimos Vonitsanos, also Researchers at DAISSy. They provided a detailed presentation on issues related to the design and implementation of the educational program of DigComp HUB, as well as the training program for educators, which are topics coordinated by the Research Group. Within this context, the digital environment for the course delivery, namely the ALL DIGITAL Academy educational platform, was introduced by its technical administrator, Mr. Anastasios Papadopoulos, Technician of DAISSy, who participated remotely. Subsequently, the session focused on guidance for educators, presented by Ms. Theodora Papageorgiou, guest speaker, who analyzed the training methodology and the role of the “mentor”.

The exchange of opinions among partners was intense, addressing, among other things, the planning of Education and Training activities, the development and expansion of the DigComp CoP (Community of Practice), and the actions for disseminating and promoting the project’s outcomes. The proceedings concluded with an agreement on the next steps for implementing the project.

The DigComp HUB is a two-year project, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program. It is implemented by a consortium of four (4) partners from three (3) EU member states (Belgium, Greece, and Italy), with the DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University operating  as the Greek partner.




For more information about the DigComp HUB and other activities of the DAISSy-HOU: