Title Learn Play Manage. Collaborative Learning for Project Management: developing competences for international project management through social games as innovative methodology
Acronym LPMnage
Framework LifeLong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number 527796-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP
Start – End Date 01/11/2012 – 31/10/2014
Duration 24 months
Instrument / Type Multilateral Projects for Development of innovation
Funding Agency EU-EACEA
Total Project Funding 269.938 €
Project Homepage http://www.learnplaymanage.eu
Status Completed
In general terms the project is constituted as an innovative learning tool susceptible to be used, transferred and applied to several areas and initiatives in formal, non-formal and informal training. Several stakeholders will be involved such as trainers and training institutions, public bodies, associations, etc. More specifically, professional project managers as well as other workers and technicians related to the management of international projects could improve their competences and skills in their field of specialisation. The LPMnage project intends to develop a toolkit able to provide equal access opportunities in training and education for professional and adult learners. The possibility of launching serious games in social networks will multiply the number of final beneficiaries reached by the project. The added value of this project is that experience could be replicated in several working and training areas in the future.
Aiming to develop innovative methodologies (use of social games) for professional learning environments (improving and generating competences in specifically working areas related to the management of international projects) and taking full advantage of the social networks potential (in which the social game will be launched). The LPMnage project will develop a social game aimed at promoting project management competences of professional and young workers on international projects.
Project Outcomes
Specific objectives:
- To analyze the pedagogical potentials of the use of games (and especially of social games) for adult learning.
- To identify success elements of social games for education and training.
- To define (international) project management competences susceptible to be trained in non-formal and informal environments.
- To boost an interactive, practical and collaborative apprenticeship methodology.
- To improve professional competences on project management and ICTs, through play and interaction in social networks.
- To raise awareness among adult training practitioners of the benefits of using social games for training.
- To promote the debate and serve as catalyst for the inclusion of innovative game-based pedagogical approaches among those stakeholders (public and private) operating in the field of adult learning.