Achilles Kameas
Computer and Informatics Engineer, Associate Professor SST HOU

Achilles D. Kameas received his Engineering Diploma (in 1989) and his Ph.D. (in 1995, in Human-Computer Interaction), both from the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Univ. of Patras, Greece. He has also received formal education on Adult Education and on Open and Distance Education.



Teaching Activities

He is an Associate Professor with the Hellenic Open University (HOU), where he teaches Pervasive Systems (since 2013) and Software Design (since 2003).  He is the Director of the Postgraduate Study Programme on “Engineering of Pervasive Computing Systems” (http://sdy.eap.gr/).


Director of Research Unit 3 / DAISy (Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Systems)
Computer Technology & Publications Institute “Diophantus” (CTI)

He is also the Director of Research Unit 3 / DAISy (Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Systems) (http://daisy.cti.gr) at the Computer Technology & Publications Institute “Diophantus” (CTI).

2007 - 2014

Director of the HOU e-Comet Lab
Hellenic Open University

Between 2007 and 2014 he was Director of the HOU e-Comet Lab (Educational Content, Methodologies and Technologies Lab) (http://eeyem.eap.gr).


Deputy Dean of the School of Sciences
Hellenic Open University

Between 2007 and 2010 he served as Deputy Dean of the School of Sciences and Technology (SST) of the Hellenic Open University.


Over the years, he has participated in more than 30 Research, Development and Innovation projects. Examples are the EU IST projects e-Gadgets, Astra, Plants, Social and Atraco (he was the scientific coordinator of the first two), the EU LLP projects eCult, SONETOR, TIPS, VAB, PIN, CompAAL, eVirtue (he was the scientific coordinator of the first two), the EU Erasmus plus projects SEM@SCHOOLS, TIME, EPOQUE, SONET-BULL (he is the scientific coordinator of the latter) and the national projects FragmEx and ADVENT (he is coordinator of the latter). These projects realize R&D activities in the fields Pervasive Computing Systems, Ambient Assisted Living, Technology Enhanced Learning, Ontologies and Semantically Rich Representations, and their applications. Indicative outcomes include middleware systems, platforms, tools, methodologies, ontologies and prototypes of smart devices.


He has published over 120 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters, authored 3 university textbooks and co-edited more than 10 books and conference proceedings. He was appointed conference / programme chair in more than 5 international conferences and he has participated in the programme committees of more than 50 conferences. His current research interests include ubiquitous / pervasive computing systems, Internet of Things applications, engineering and application of ontologies and ontology matching, application of ICT in healthcare, education, etc.

Publishing Activity

2013:      Co-Editor (with Juan Carlos Augusto, Dimitris Papalexopoulos and Victor Callaghan), Proceedings, “9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IEEE Computer Society Press

2012:      Co-Editor (with Juan Carlos Augusto et al), Book, “Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living”, IOS Press

2012:      Guest Co-Editor (with Alessandro Saffiotti), Journal, Special Issue on “Ambient Ecologies”, Elsevier

2011:      Co-Editor (with Juan Carlos Augusto, Sean Hanna, Ahmad Lotfi and Victor Callaghan), Proceedings, “7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IEEE Computer Society Press

2010:      Co-Editor (with Simon Egerton, Ichiro Satoh, Michael Weber and Victor Callaghan), Proceedings, “6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IEEE Computer Society Press

2010:      Co-Editor (with Michael Healy and Roberto Poli), Book, “Theory and Applications of Ontology, volume 2”, Springer

2009:      Co-Editor (with Wolfgang Minker, Michael Weber, Hani Hagras and Victor Callaghan), Book, “Handbook of Intelligent Environments”, Springer

2009:      Co-Editor (with Angelica Reyes, Dolors Royo, Michael Weber, and Victor Callaghan), Proceedings, “5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IOS Press

2009:      Co-Editor (with Juan Carlos Augusto et al), Proceedings, “Workshops at 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IOS Press

2009:      Guest Co-Editor (with Anind Dey and Carlos Ramos), Journal, Thematic Issue on “Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Ambient Intelligence”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environment (JAISE), IOS Press

2007:      Co-Editor (with Michael Weber, Wolfgang Minker, Hani Hagras and Vic Callaghan), Proceedings, “3rd International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IET Press

2007:      Co-Editor (with Norbert Streitz and Irene Mavrommati), Book, “The Disappearing Computer Handbook”, Springer LNCS4500

2006:      Co-Editor (with Dimitris Papalexopoulos, Hani Hagras and Vic Callaghan), Proceedings, “2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments”, IET Press

2004-06:  Editorinchief του Convivio Web-zine (www.convivionet.net)

2003:      Co-Editor (with Norbert Streitz), Proceedings, “Tales of Disappearing Computer”, CTI Press

2003:      Co-Editor (with Paul Spirakis and Sotiris Nikoletseas), Proceedings, “1st International Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Computing”, CTI Press

Participation in Conferences and Seminars

Conference / Programme chair

  1. Conference co-chair, ΙΕEE/AAAI 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE13), 2013, Athens, Greece (with Dimitris Papalexopoulos)
  2. Programme co-chair, IEEE / AAAI 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE11), 2011, Nottingham, UK (with Juan Carlos Augusto)
  3. Programme co-chair, IEEE / AAAI 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE10), 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (with Vic Callaghan)
  4. Programme co-chair / Workshops co-chair, AAAI 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE09), 2009, Barcelona, Spain (with Vic Callaghan / Juan Carlos Augusto)
  5. Conference co-chair, ΙΕT 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE06), 2006, Athens, Greece (with Dimitris Papalexopoulos)
  6. Conference co-chair, Tales of Disappearing Computer, 2003, Santorini, Greece (with Norbert Streitz)

Books (in Greek)



Τεχνικές Προγραμματισμού (Book)

Β’ έκδοση, Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, 2009.



Γερογιάννης,; Κακαρόντζας,; Καμέας,; Σταμέλος,; Φιτσιλής,

"Αντικειμενοστρεφής Ανάπτυξη Λογισμικού με τη UML " (Book)





Τυπικές Προδιαγραφές Λογισμικού (Book)

Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, 2004.




Εγκυροποίηση Λογισμικού (Book)

Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, 2003.


Book Chapters (in English)


Kameas, Achilles; Seremeti, Lambrini

Ontology-based Knowledge Management in NGAIEs (Book Chapter)

T. Heinroth, Minker (Ed.): Next Generation Intelligent Environments, pp. 85-126, Springer, 2011.



Rodosthenous,; Kameas, Achilles; Pintelas,

Diplek: An open LMS that supports fast composition of educational services (Book Chapter)

Magoulas, (Ed.): E-Infrastructures and Technologies for Lifelong Learning: Next Generation Environments, pp. 59-89, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), 2010, ISSN: ISBN13 ISBN10.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Tools for Ontology Engineering and Management (Book Chapter)

Theory and Applications of Ontology, Volume II : Computer Applications , Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010, 2010, ISBN: 978-90-481-8843-7.


Antonopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Αn ontology-driven approach and a context management framework for ubiquitous computing applications (Book Chapter)

M. Healy A. Kameas, Poli (Ed.): Theory and Applications of Ontology, volume II , pp. 463-485, Springer, 2010.


Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Tools for Ontology Engineering and Management (Book Chapter)

M. Healy A. Kameas, Poli (Ed.): Theory and Applications of Ontology, volume II , pp. 131-154, Springer, 2010.



Kameas, Achilles; Kalemis, Ioannis

Pervasive Systems in Health Care (Book Chapter)

Η. Nakashima A. Hamid, Augusto (Ed.): Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, pp. 315-346, Springer, 2009.


Poli, Robert; Kameas, Achilles; Seremeti, Lambrini

Ontology and Multimedia (Book Chapter)

Pagani, (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, vol. 3 , pp. 1093-1099, Hershey, New York, Second Edition, 2009.


Kameas, Achilles; Antonopoulos, Christos; Hagras, Hani; Heinroth, Tobias; Weber, Mark; Callaghan, Victor

An architecture that supports task centered adaptation in Intelligent Environments (Book Chapter)

W. Minker M. Weber, Hagras Callagan Kameas (Ed.): Advanced Intelligent Environments, Series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 41-66, Springer, Boston (USA), 2009.



Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Engineering Emergent Ecologies of Interacting Artefacts (Book Chapter)

Lumsden, (Ed.): Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, pp. 364-384, IGI Global, 2008.


Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Achieving co-operation and developing smart behavior in collections of context-aware artifacts (Book Chapter)

Delaney, (Ed.): Augmented Materials & Smart Objects: Building Ambient Intelligence through Microsystems Technologies, pp. 205-237, Springer, 2008.


Kameas, Achilles

Deploying ubiquitous computing applications on heterogeneous next generation networks (Book Chapter)

S. Kotsopoulos, Ioannou (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Heterogeneous Next Generation Networking: Innovations and Platforms, pp. 490-509, IGI Global, 2008.



Drossos, Nikos; Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

Towards ubiquitous computing applications composed from functionally autonomous hybrid artefacts (Book Chapter)

N. Streitz, Kameas; Mavrommati, (Ed.): The Disappearing Computer Handbook, pp. 161-181, Springer LNCS4500, 2007.



Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene; Markopoulos, Panos

Computing in tangible: using artifacts as components of Ambient Intelligent Environments (Book Chapter)

G. Riva F. Vatalaro, Davide; Alcaniz, (Ed.): Ambient Intelligence: The evolution of Technology, Communication and Cognition, pp. 121-142, IOS press, 2004.


Book Chapters (in Greek)


Καμέας,; Καραγιαννίδης,

Συνεργατικά Συστήματα Διάχυτου Υπολογισμού και Περιρρέουσας Νοημοσύνης (Book Chapter)

Ν. Αβούρης Χ. Καραγιαννίδης, (Ed.): Εισαγωγή στη Συνεργασία Υποστηριζόμενη από Υπολογιστή – Συστήματα και Μοντέλα Συνεργασίας για Εργασία, Μάθηση, Κοινότητες Πρακτικής και Οικοδόμησης Γνώσης, pp. 339-360, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, 2009.


Journal Papers (in English)


Gerogiannis, Vassilis; Fitsilis, Panos; Kameas, Achilles

Evaluation of project and portfolio Management Information Systems with the use of a hybrid IFS-TOPSIS method (Journal Article)

Intelligent Decision Technologies 7 (2013) (Journal), 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)


Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Berg, Erik

A framework for developing Pervasive Awareness Systems in smart environments (Journal Article)

International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 9(3), Inderscience , pp. 142-158, 2012.


Hagras, Hani; Wagner, Christan; Kameas, Achilles; Goumopoulos, Christos; Meliones, Apostolos; Seremeti, Lambrini; Pruvost, Gaetan; Heinroth, Tobias; Minker, Wolfgang

Symbiotic Ecologies in Next Generation Ambient Intelligent Environments (Journal Article)

International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 3(1) , 2012.

(Links | BibTeX)

Panagiotopoulos, Ioannis; Kalou, Aikaterini; Pierrakeas, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Adult Student Modeling for Intelligent Distance Learning Systems (Journal Article)

Special Issue on AIAI 2012 of the International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications (EISEEC), 2012.



Mavrofides, Thomas; Kameas, Achilles; Papageorgiou, Dimitris; Los, Antonios

On the Entropy of Social Systems: A Revision of the Concepts of Entropy and Energy in the Social Context (Journal Article)

Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2011, ISSN: 1099-1743.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Heinroth, Τobias; Kameas, Achilles; Pruvost, Getan; Seremeti, Lambrini; Bellik, Yacine; Minker, Wolfgang

Human-Computer Interaction in Next Generation Ambient Intelligent Environments (Journal Article)

Intelligent Decision Technologies - Special issue on knowledge-based environments and services in human-computer interaction, 5 , pp. 31-46, 2011.



Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Cassels,

An Ontology-Driven System Architecture for Precision Agriculture Applications (Journal Article)

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO), 4, Inderscience , pp. 72-84, 2009.


Seremeti, Lambrini; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-based modeling of dynamic ubiquitous computing applications as evolving activity spheres” (Journal Article)

Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 5(5), Elsevier Science , pp. 574-591, 2009.


Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Smart objects as components of ubiquitous computing applications (Journal Article)

International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, special issue on Smart Object Systems, 4(3), SERSC Press , pp. 1-20, 2009.



Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Modeling spiking neural networks (Journal Article)

Theoretical Computer Science, 395(1), Elsevier , pp. 57-76, 2008.


Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Ambient Ecologies in Smart Homes (Journal Article)

The Computer Journal, special issue on Incorporating systems, communications and services in smart homes, 52(8), Oxford Univ. Press , pp. 922-937, 2008.



Drossos, Nikos; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

A Conceptual Model and the Supporting Middleware for Composing Ubiquitous Computing Applications (Journal Article)

Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (JUCI), special issue on Ubiquitous Intelligence in Real Worlds, 1(2), American Scientific Publishers , pp. 174-186, 2007.



Christopoulou, Eleni; Kameas, Achilles

GAS Ontology: an ontology for collaboration among ubiquitous computing devices (Journal Article)

International Journal of Human – Computer Studies, 62(5), Elsevier , pp. 664-685, 2005.


Triantis,; Kameas, Achilles; Zaharakis, Ioannis; Pintelas, Panagiotis

4Ds: An Architecture that Dynamically Synthesizes Distributed Content with Distributed Expertise into Educational Applications that Support Sustainable Sessions for Distributed Learners (Journal Article)

Themes in Education, special issue on Information and Communication Technologies in Distance Learning: Issues and Trends, 6(2) , pp. 169-187, 2005.


Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene

Configuring the e-Gadgets (Journal Article)

Communications of the ACM (CACM), special issue section on "The Disappearing Computer", 48(3), ACM Press , pp. 69, 2005.



Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles; Markopoulos, Panos

An Editing tool that manages device associations in an in-home environment (Journal Article)

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(3-4), Springer , pp. 255-263, 2004.



Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

The evolution of objects into Hyper-objects: will it be mostly harmless? (Journal Article)

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7(3-4), Springer , pp. 176-181, 2003.


Journal Papers (in Greek)

Confernece Proceedings (in English)

94 entries « 1 of 2 »


Stamatis, Panagiotis; Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

A study of bio-inspired communication scheme in swarm robotics (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS ’09), Salamanca, Spain, March 25-27, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Heinroth, Tobias; Kameas, Achilles; Wagner, Christan; Bellik, Yacine

A Proposal for Realizing Adaptive Ambient Ecologies through an ontology-based Multi-Agent System (Proceeding)

Realizing Adaptive Ambient Ecologies through an ontology-based Multi-Agent System”. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents, Nashville, USA, , IEEE Computer Society Press, Nashville, USA, March 30-April 2, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Berg, Erik; Kalemis, Ioannis

A Service-Oriented Platform for Pervasive Awareness Systems (Proceeding)

Proceedings the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-09), workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2009), Bradford, UK, May 26-29, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

A Service Oriented Architecture Combining Agents and Ontologies towards Pervasive Adaptation (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE09), IOS Press, Barcelona, Spain, July 20-21, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Ouzounis, Athanasios; Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

An implementation of a symbiotic ecology with self* properties in an eHealth scenario (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 13th Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, Corfu, Greece, September 10-12, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Giannopoulos, Nikos; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Design guidelines for building a wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 13th Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, Corfu, Greece), September 10-12, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Fitsilis, Panos; Kameas, Achilles; Anthopoulos, Leonidas

Classification of software project complexity (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2009), Springer, Nanchang, China, September 16-19, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

A task-based ontology engineering approach for novice ontology developers (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 17-19, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Pruvost, Gaetan; Kameas, Achilles; Heinroth, Tobias; Seremeti, Lambrini; Minker, Wolfgang

Combining agents and ontologies to support task-centred interoperability in Ambient Intelligent Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Pisa, Italy, 30 November - 2 December, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Bellik, Yacine; Kameas, Achilles; Goumopoulos, Christos; Hagras, Hani; Heinroth, Tobias; Pruvost, Gaetan; Meliones, Apostolos; Economou, Dimitris; Minker, Wolfgang; Gardner, Mark

Multidimensional Pervasive Adaptation into Ambient Intelligent Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom), Chengdu, China, December 12-14, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)

Kameas, Achilles; Hagras, Hani; Goumopoulos, Christos; Heinroth, Tobias; Meliones, Apostolos; Gardner, Michael; Economou, Dimitris; Pruvost, Gaetan; Bellik, Yacine; Minker, Wolfgang

A Pervasive System Architecture that Supports Adaptation using Agents and Ontologies (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX)


Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Using ontologies to frame software project knowledge (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 4th Scientific Conference on Project Management (PM-04), Chios, Greece, May 29-31, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-Based High Level Task Composition in Ubiquitous Computing Applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 4th IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE08), IET Press, Seattle, USA, July 21-22, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Meliones, Apostolos; Kameas, Achilles; Economou, Dimitris; Goumopoulos, Christos

Using the Connected Home Platform to Support User Tasks as Orchestrations of Smart Object Services (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP2008), workshop on “Design and Integration Principles for Smart Objects” (DIPSO 2008), Seoul, Korea, September 21-24, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Kameas, Achilles

Using smart objects as the buildings blocks of pervasive awareness applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP2008), workshop on “Design and Integration Principles for Smart Objects” (DIPSO 2008), Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, September 21-24, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Hagras, Hani; Callaghan, Victor; Weber, Mark; Minker, Wolfgang; Bellik, Yacine; Meliones, Apostolos

ATRACO: Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2008), workshop on Pervasive Adaptation (PERADA), IEEE Computer Society Press, Venice, Italy, October 20-21, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Meliones, Apostolos; Economou, Dimitris; Gramatikakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles; Goumopoulos, Christos

A Context Aware Connected Home Platform for Pervasive Applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2008), workshop on Pervasive Adaptation (PERADA), IEEE Computer Society Press, Venice, Italy, October 20-21, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Seremeti, Lambrini; Kameas, Achilles

Ontology-based representation of activity spheres in ubiquitous computing spaces (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE2008) & (SCSS 08), Springer, December 5-13, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Rodosthenous, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Pintelas, Panagiotis

Diplek: an open educational Platform that supports the composition of learning, management and communication services (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE2008) & (EIAE 08), Springer, December 5-13, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)

Kalemis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles; Goumopoulos, Christos; Berg, Erik

ASTRA: An Awareness Connectivity Platform for Designing Pervasive Awareness Applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE2008) & (SCSS 08), Springer, December 5-13, 2008.

(Links | BibTeX)


Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; O'Flynn, Brian

“Proactive Agriculture: An Integrated Framework for Developing Distributed Hybrid Systems (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-07), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4611, Hong Kong, China, July 11-13, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Social Intelligence as the Means for achieving Emergent Interactive Behaviour in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCI07), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4551, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX)

Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

Crisis rooms are Ambient Intelligence Territories (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCI07), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4551, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX)

Tsiridis, Dimitris; Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

The role of indirect communication in emerging collective behaviours (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 8th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics & its Applications Conference (HERCMA 2007), Athens, Greece, September 20-22, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX)

Stamatis, Panagiotis; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Using Ubiquitous Computing Technology to Realize Scalable Intelligent Agricultural Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE07), IET Press, Ulm, Germany, September 24-25, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX)

Alhamed, Sheikh Iqbal; Taludker, Nilothpal; Kameas, Achilles

Towards privacy protection in Pervasive Healthcare (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE07), IET Press, Ulm, Germany, September 24-25, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX)

Drossos, Nikos; Kameas, Achilles

Building composeable smart objects (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP2007), workshop on “Design and Integration Principles for Smart Objects” (DIPSO 2007), Springer-Verlag, LNCS4717, Innsbruck, Austria, September 16-19, 2007.



Fitsilis, Panos; Gerogiannis, Vasilis; Kameas, Achilles

Extracting And Maintaining Project Knowledge Using Ontologies (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, workshop on "Technologies for Collaborative Business Processes", Paphos, Cyprus, May 23-27, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Emergent Phenomena in AmI Spaces (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 1st International EASST-EU conference, workshop on Future Research Challenges for Software and Services, associated to The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS’06), Vienna, Austria, April 1, 2006, (Also in the EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology) Newsletter, Volume 12 (March 2006) ).

(Links | BibTeX)

Stamatis, Panagiotis; Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Exploiting Ambient Information into Reactive Agent Architectures (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE06), IET Press, Athens, Greece, July 5-6, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX)

Kameas, Achilles; Stamatiou, Yiannis

The Digital Territory: a mathematical model of the concept and its properties (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE06), IET Press, Athens, Greece, July 5-6, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX)

Kalemis, Ioannis; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Talking Plant: Integrating Plants Behavior with Ambient Intelligence (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE06), IET Press, Athens, Greece, July 5-6, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX)

Hagras, Hani; Colley, Martin; Pounds-Cornish, Anthony; Souza, Gustavo De; Callaghan, Victor; Nikiforidis, George; Argyropoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles; Murphy, Frank

A collaborating team of Spiking Neural Network based Robotic Agents for Inaccessible Fluidic Environments (Proceeding)

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Computer Society Press, Taipei, Taiwan, 8-11 October, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX)

Panagiotakopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

Creation of a teaching timetable using random variables – The STB application (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE 2006), University of Bridgeport, USA, December 4 - 14, 2006.

(Links | BibTeX)


Drossos, Nikos; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

A Conceptual Model and the Supporting Middleware for Composing Ubiquitous Computing Applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 1st IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE05), IET Press, Colchester, UK, June 28-29, 2005.

(Links | BibTeX)

Christopoulou, Eleni; Goumopoulos, Christos; Kameas, Achilles

An ontology-based context management and reasoning process for UbiComp applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the Joint sOc-EUSAI’2005 conference, ACM Press, Grenoble, France, November 12-14, 2005.

(Links | BibTeX)

Drossos, Nikos; Christopoulou, Eleni; Kameas, Achilles

Middleware for Building Ubiquitous Computing Applications Using Distributed Objects (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th Hellenic conference on Informatics (PCI2005), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3746, Volos Greece, November 11-13, 2005.

(Links | BibTeX)

Zaharakis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

On emergent phenomena in everyday activities taking place in AmI spaces (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 2nd European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS05), Paris, France, November 14-18, 2005.

(Links | BibTeX)


Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

The concepts of an end user enabling architecture for ubiquitous computing (Proceeding)

Proceedings of Pervasive 2004, Vienna, 21-24 April , 2004.

(Links | BibTeX)

Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles; Markopoulos, Panos

An Editing tool that manages device associations in an in-home environment (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Appliance Design (2AD), Bristol, UK, May 11-13, 2004.

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Markopoulos, Panos; Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

End-User Configuration of Ambient Intelligence Environments: Feasibility from a User Perspective (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 2nd European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3296, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 8-10 , 2004.

(Links | BibTeX)

Christopoulou, Eleni; Kameas, Achilles

Using ontologies to address key issues in ubiquitous computing systems (Proceeding)

Proceedings of 2nd European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3296, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 8-10, 2004.

(Links | BibTeX)

Goumopoulos, Christos; Christopoulou, Eleni; Drossos, Nikos; Kameas, Achilles

The PLANTS System: Enabling Mixed Societies of Communicating Plants and Artefacts (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3296, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 8-10, 2004.

(Links | BibTeX)


Kameas, Achilles; Bellis, Stephen; Mavrommati, Irene; Delaney, Kieran; Colley, Martin; Pounds-Cornish, Anthony

An architecture that treats everyday objects as communicating tangible components (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PERCOM 2003), IEEE Computer Society Press, Texas-Fort Worth, USA, March 23-26, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX)

Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles; Markopoulos, Panos

Visibility and accessibility of a component-based approach for Ubiquitous Computing applications: the e-Gadgets case (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCII03), vol. 2, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX)

Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

End-user programming tools in ubiquitous computing applications (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCII03), vol. 2, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX)

Mavrommati, Irene; Kameas, Achilles

Re-appearing interfaces of objects (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCII03), vol. 4, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003.

(Links | BibTeX)

Mavrommati, Irene; Markopoulos, Panos; Kalemis, Ioannis; Kameas, Achilles

Experiencing Extrovert Gadgets (Proceeding)

Proceedings of HCI 2003, Vol. 2, Research Press International, Bath, UK, September 8-12, 2003.

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Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene; Ringas, Dimitris; Wason, Prashant

eComp: an architecture that supports P2P networking among ubiquitous computing devices (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE P2P Conference, Linkoping, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sweden, September 5-7, 2002.

(Links | BibTeX)


Kameas, Achilles; Mavrommati, Irene

Interacting with ubiquitous computer applications: issues and methodology (Proceeding)

Proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Human-Computer Interaction (PC-HCI 2001), Patras, Greece, 7-9 December, 2001.


94 entries « 1 of 2 »

Confernece Proceedings (in Greek)


Σπανακά,; Καμέας,

Δημιουργία Εκπαιδευτικού Υλικού στο Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο (ΕΑΠ): Προτάσεις Εφαρμογής του Εργαστηρίου Εκπαιδευτικού Υλικού και Εκπαιδευτικής Έρευνας (ΕΕΥΕΜ) (Proceeding)

Athens, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Αντωνέλου,; Καρατράντου,; Ζερδεβά,; Γεώργιος,; Πιερρή,; Καμέας,

Καινοτόμες Μαθησιακές Διαδικασίες στο Πλαίσιο Συνεργασίας Βtextquoteright/Θμιας και Γtextquoteright/Θμιας Εκπαίδευσης: Θερινό Σχολείο Εφήβων guillemotleftTrain Brainguillemotright (Proceeding)

Athens, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Καμέας,; Σπανακά,; Πιερρακέας,

Οδηγοί Εκπαιδευτικών Προδιαγραφών Έντυπου και Ψηφιακού Υλικού: Μία αναπτυξιακή δράση του Εργαστηρίου Εκπαιδευτικού Υλικού και Εκπαιδευτικής Μεθοδολογίας (ΕΕΥΕΜ) του ΕΑΠ (Proceeding)

Athens, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Σπανακά,; Καμέας,

Πόσο ανοικτοί μπορεί να είναι οι Ανοικτοί Εκπαιδευτικοί Πόροι (ΑΕΠ); Παραδείγματα εφαρμογής και αξιοποίησης (Proceeding)

Athens, Greece, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)


Μπαγιαμπού,; Καμέας,

Ανάπτυξη οντολογίας Διαγραμμάτων Περιπτώσεων Χρήσης που είναι δυνατό να χρησιμοποιηθεί για εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς (Proceeding)

Βόλος, Ελλάδα, 2012.

(Abstract | BibTeX)


Δήμου,; Καμέας,

Προτεινόμενο Μοντέλο Πιστοποίησης Ποιότητας Ψηφιακού Εκπαιδευτικού Υλικού (Proceeding)

2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο "Ένταξη των ΤΠΕ στην Εκπαιδευτική Διαδικασία", Πάτρα, Ελλάδα, 28-30 Απριλίου , 2011.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Μπαγιαμπού,; Καμέας,

Χρήση Οντολογιών για την Περιγραφή και τη Διαχείριση Μαθησιακών Στόχων και Μαθησιακών Αντικειμένων (Proceeding)

2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο textquotedblleftΈνταξη των ΤΠΕ στην Εκπαιδευτική Διαδικασία, Πάτρα, Ελλάδα, 28-30 Απριλίου, 2011.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

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