

xenia-logoThe XENIA consortium of 7 partners from 5 European countries(Italy, Ireland, Spain, Greece and Slovenia) symbolically chose the commemorating day of May 17th, the International Day Against Homo-lesbo-bi-transphobia, to start the survey administration to students at the “Federico II” University in Naples, University College Dublin in Ireland, University of Barcelona in Spain, Hellenic Open University in Greece and University of Ljubljana in Slovenia.

The date, celebrates when the World Health Organization no longer considered homosexuality as a mental illness and it is dedicated worldwide to initiatives to prevent and raise awareness against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The consortium has developed an inclusiveness index to evaluate inclusion based on gender identity and sexual orientation in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in order to make Universities ‘safespace’ forall.

Students, academic staff and expertises will be asked to respond to a series of questions about their HEI in relation to five key institutional categories. Once they havecompleted the whole questionnaire they will receice an overall score summarizing the level of gender and LGBQ+ inclusion in their HEI, a report about strenghts and weaknesses and a series of best practice that can guide the progress towards their improvements.

The survey is anonymous and data collected will be processed guaranteeing the anonymity of the participants. Whats more the results will be used exclusively for the project’s purpose.

The “XENIA: Higher Education Inclusiveness Index” is three-year project, aiming at turning Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) into inclusive places that promote social dialogue irrespective of gender and sexual orientation and lower (potentially eliminate) organisational and operational barriers for equal opportunities. It is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU and it is implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from 5 countries, with DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner, responsible for two workpackages and participating in all activities.

For more information on XENIA and other DAISSy projects & activities:


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