Extrovert Gadgets
Title Extrovert Gadgets
Acronym e-Gadgets
Framework FET Proactive 2000
Project Number IST-2000-25240
Start – End Date 01/01/2001 – 31/03/2004
Duration 36 months
Instrument / Type FET
Funding Agency EU IST/Future Emerging Technologies – Disappearing Computer initiative
Total Project Funding 1,326,000 € €
Project Homepage http://daisy.cti.gr/extrovert-gadgets/
Status Completed
The project designed and developed a Gadgetware Architectural Style (GAS), which can be used both by artifact designers and users to construct gadgetworlds. An artifact (called e-gadgets) is an everyday object, augmented with software and hardware components that make it GAS-aware and able to communicate with other artifacts. A gadgetworld is a configuration of artifacts which exhibits collective behavior that exceeds the sum of the individual capabilities of the participating artifacts, in the same sense that an integrated software application exceeds the individual functionality of each of its components. Thus an artifact is used as a component of a ubiquitous computing application. The composition of e-gadgets is supported by the plug-synapse model: plugs are the services and properties of artifacts, while synapses are functional associations of compatible plugs.
Project Outcomes
The project:
- Specified a gadgetware architectural style (GAS), that is, a framework within which many different functional configurations of mutually associated artifacts can be consistently performed. GAS defined a design “vocabulary”, mapping the common characteristics of e-gadgets, the semantic types of permissible inter-gadget associations and the metaphors used for representing and communicating these semantics, and the configuration “rules” mediating the composition of e-gadgets.
- Developed GAS-OS, the middleware that supports the collaboration of e-gadgets within the framework of GAS.
- Validated the completeness and appropriateness of GAS by developing sample e-gadgets that conform to GAS, designing detailed scenarios of use for assessing the scope of GAS and monitoring the use and collective functioning of e-gadgets within real world implementations.
- The evolution of objects into Hyper-objects: Will it be mostly harmless?
- An Architecture that Treats Everyday Objects as Communicating Tangible
- GAS Ontology
- eComP: an Architecture that Supports P2P Networking Among Ubiquitous Computing Devices
- eComP: an Architecture that Supports P2P Networking Among Ubiquitous Computing Devices
- eComP Abstract
- Interacting with ubiquitous computer applications: issues and methodology
- HCII2003-1: Re-appearing interfaces of objects (Abstract)
- HCII2003-1: Re-appearing interfaces of objects (Summary)
- HCII2003-2: End-user programming tools in ubiquitous computing applications. (Abstract)
- HCII2003-2: End-user programming tools in ubiquitous computing applications. (Summary)
- HCII2003-3: Visibility and accessibility of a component-based approach for Ubiquitous Computing applications: the e-Gadgets case. (Abstract)
- HCII2003-3: Visibility and accessibility of a component-based approach for Ubiquitous Computing applications: the e-Gadgets case. (Summary)
- Prototyping, Design and Learning in Outdoors Mobile Robots Operating in Unstructured Environments (ieeemag)
- A Hierarchical Fuzzy-Genetic Multi-Agent Architecture for Intelligent Buildings Online Learning, Adaptation and Control (infosci)
- Integrated Intelligent Environments: Cooperative Robotics & Buildings (isr2001)
- The evolution of objects into Hyper-objects:Will it be mostly harmless? (PRINTREADY_final1)
- A Soft-Computing DAI Architecture for Intelligent Buildings

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